10 best protein foods for bodybuilding:

10 best protein foods for bodybuilding:

Bodybuilding is an art and now youth have a craze to build their muscles. Bodybuilding and muscle building is a very tough job because it requires tight schedules. These schedules include hard exercises, regular work plans, the wise use of supplements, and intake of natural foods for muscle building. The selection of food is a hectic problem for bodybuilders. Here we are discussing the 10 best protein foods for bodybuilding. So, if you want to increase protein synthesis, you must add these foods to your diet.

  • Eggs:

The eggs are wonderful nutritional giants that contain large proportions of proteins. An average egg white contains about 3.6 grams of protein and egg yolk contains about 2.7 grams of proteins. Eggs are actually included in the category of cheap protein foods for bodybuilding and are also easily available for everyone and everywhere. Egg whites are very low in their fat contents (about 0.05 grams of fat in egg white). If one wants to use low-fat protein, egg whites are great. Eggs also have vitamins and microminerals. For further information about the eggs and their nutritional details click here.

  • Fish (Tilapia, salmon, Tuna):

An average fish contains about 20 – 25 grams of proteins/100 grams of fish meat. Fish meat is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and micro-minerals such as iodine, and selenium. One of the most important qualities of fish meat is that it is easily digestible. Digestion of fish meat requires little time than red meat.

  • Red meat:

Beef and mutton are the best source of proteins for bodybuilding. It contains about 20 – 25 grams of proteins per 100 grams. Red meat is considered a high-quality protein because it contains all the essential amino acids. These are also very helpful in the synthesis of muscle proteins. Red meat has two important components one is creatine phosphate (an energy storing protein) and myoglobin (an oxygen storage respiratory protein also called muscle hemoglobin). But most people have fear of gaining fat because red meat is also a rich source of saturated fatty acids.

  • White meat:

Chicken, rabbit, and turkey meats are considered white meats. The main difference between white meat and red meat is that white meat contains much less amount of myoglobin. Myoglobin in large quantities in beef and mutton darkens the redness of mutton and beef. Among these animals most commonly available white meat is chicken. About 27 grams of proteins are present in the 100 grams of chicken.  The best part of the chicken is the chicken breast. For bodybuilding most importantly we should use boonless and skinless chicken, especially chicken breast.

  • Yogurts:

Yogurt has about 8 – 10 percent of proteins per 100 grams. About more than 12 types of yogurts are found in a different part of the world and every yogurt type have a special nutritional significance.  Some of these yogurt varieties are sheep milk yogurt, goat milk yogurt, cow milk yogurt, Greek yogurt, Australian yogurt, French yogurt, etc. The most important type of yogurt is Greek yogurt because it has high-quality protein and is very helpful in muscular growth and muscle tone.   

  • Cheese:

Cheese is a very important dairy product that occurs in a variety of forms. These varieties are on the basis of their textures, formations, milk sources, and above all flavors. An average cheese contains about 25 g of proteins in 100 grams of cheese. Cheese has uncountable health benefits and is also easily adjusted to our ordinary schedule of food. Cheese is very helpful in muscle building due to its nutritional content.

  • Beans:

Beans contain about 20 grams of protein in 100 grams of beans.  One of the most important things about bean is that it is the main source of protein for vegetarians. It has a high rank in the protein foods for bodybuilding for vegetarians. Because of protein contents, vitamins source, and micro minerals such as iron, zinc, phosphorous, and potassium beans are very helpful in muscular growth.   

  • Chickpeas:

Chickpeas are a second major source of proteins for vegetarians and are very good protein food for bodybuilding. Chickpea contains about 19 g of proteins per 100 grams of proteins. Chickpeas are a good source of minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium.  The importance of the chickpea’s ability to strengthen muscles can be inferred from the fact that in ancient times it was fed to race horses to keep their muscles full of power. So chickpea is also included in the lists of easily available protein foods for bodybuilding.

  • Nuts:

Nuts are special kinds of dry fruits that are single-seeded and covered by thick hard protective shells. Nuts are walnuts, cashew-nut, pecan-nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, and almonds. An average nut contains about 20 grams of proteins in 100 grams. Nuts are good protein foods for bodybuilding because they have lean proteins. The 23 grams of almonds contain about 6 grams of muscle-building proteins.  

  • Milk:

Milk also contains essential proteins for muscle growth. Drinking milk usually after exercise increases muscle growth and lean mass. The most important protein in the muscle is casein. Casein gives milk to white color and it is about 80 percent of the overall protein content of milk in cows and buffaloes. This protein helps in post-exercise acid recovery and also increases muscle growth.

These protein food for bodybuilding are really workable and surely increase your muscle gains. Most of them are very cheap protein foods for bodybuilding and very helpful in the development of lean muscles. Some of them are good body-building snacks. So hoping for the best and stay blessed.

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