10 Best Qualities for virtual mentoring

10 Best Qualities for virtual mentoring

10 Best Qualities for virtual mentoring:

Virtual mentoring is a requirement of the day because of the growth and evolution of information technology. The question is why do virtual mentors overshadow formal education? The answer to this question is that it is because of its broad range of learning systems. This learning method also reduces the wastage of time and energy. The next thing is that what factors are necessary for outstanding performance and learning management in virtual mentoring. Virtual mentoring is actually directly proportional to the three main things, i.e., successful plans, their implementation, and honest relationships between the mentor and mentee. To build a successful working relationship and management of online classrooms, the major qualities that are very important for virtual mentoring are given below.

  • Workable plans:

The key to successful virtual mentoring is the making of a workable plan. This plan must not be old-fashioned. The unwanted and scattered stuff weakens the mentor and mentee relationship.   

  • Focus during mentoring:

The main problem during virtual mentoring is the establishment of focus between the mentor and mentee. This is because of the distance between the two parties and their different working atmosphere. So successful maintained focus by continuous queries by mentee and assessment by a mentor. This enhances engagement and focus.

  • Honesty & Commitment:

These two qualities are very important for trust building and increasing the scope of virtual mentoring. These two things are also necessary for the establishment of relationship quality.  

  • Mentors’ competence:

Successful learning through virtual mentoring is more difficult than through the formal education system. Because in the formal education system there is a mentor in Infront of you physically while in the virtual system your mentor is on screen. So, if a mentor has poor competence then it is very difficult for him to deliver his best.

  • Genuineness;

A genuine genius is always good at establishing a strong bond and establishing a good connection with their mentee. The ideas must not be copy pasted. A mentor has to learn by himself before he will start virtual mentoring.

  • Good cognitive approach:

For creativity in virtual mentoring practice, it is necessary for mentors to have a good cognitive approach. The good cognitive approach of a mentor induces great creative skills in his mentees.

  • Be open-minded and flexible:

Because a virtual mentoring classroom always has diversity. All the members belong to different races, different cultures, different geographic regions as well as different mentalities. So, to make a good connection in the classroom a mentor must be open-minded and flexible that absorb variations in the moods of their mentee. Remember that loose tempered and rigid person is not only failed in the virtual education system but also in the formal education system. So be patient and should always maintain a good mood.

  • The approach must be international:

Avoid a limited or area-specific approach. The area-specific approach minimizes your audience and this will also limit your scope. If anyone wants to be more growth in his learning platform, it is necessary that his target is an audience all over the world.  

  • Easily accessible:

The virtual mentor is easily accessible to their mentees. He must have multiple media for an immediate and good connection. He will provide every required material in the form of video lectures, pdf contents, PowerPoint presentations, or audio libraries. He must also be active on various social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.  This will make more fan-following and virtual mentors more chances to spread positivity by delivering new ideas.  

  • Regular meeting schedule:

For better assessments, there must be a regular organization of meeting like a formal educational system. The meeting styles should have such kinds of strategies that involve both the parties, i.e., mentor as well as mentees.

In the end, I am sure these 10 things must be fruitful for your learning in the virtual world. If anyone has to read more about virtual mentoring click here.

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