10 Unique psychological disorders

10 unique psychological disorders:

What is a disorder?

Disorder, disease, or illness is any kind of disturbance in the normal physical, physiological, or metabolic functions of the body due to trauma, infections, abnormal metabolism, malnutrition, and psychological issue.

Psychological Disorders:

Disorder or disease is actually a departure from the steady state of the body, and this is of many kinds depending on its causes. one of them is psychological issues and these are called psychological disorders or mental disorders. According to the world health organization (WHO), there are about one billion humans have psychological problems, and 3 million die each year due to drug abuse (as a result of aftereffects of these psychological problems). According to WHO reports one human dies every 40 seconds by suicide. So the vast majority of people are affected by a variety of psychological issues. Today we will discuss 10 unique kinds of psychological issues, that are interesting but disturb the behaviors of their bearers.   

  • Anorexia nervosa:

This is a nutritional disorder and a disorder of teenage girls in which they stopped eating due to the fear of becoming obese. The main symptoms of anorexia nervosa are self-starvation, fastening, or dieting due to strong fear of weight gaining. The consequences of this disorder are that these girls become dangerously thin, immunosuppressed, psycho, and unable to cope with the challenges of puberty.  

  • Bulimia nervosa:

This is also an eating disorder, but this occurs in relatively elder women than anorexic girls. These women actually have greed of eating but also have fear of becoming obese. So, these ladies self-induced vomit after their excessive voracious eating. These women also use laxatives, so that food is not only properly digested but also not absorbed. The symptoms in these women are self-induced vomiting and vomit like smell, excessive loss of salts, emotional and psychological stress.

  • Jerusalem syndrome:

This is an acute mental disorder in which the bearer of this disorder perceives himself as the character among the bible or holy city and behaves like that character he is misleadingly perceiving for himself. The reasons behind this disorder are delusion and psychosis.  This mental disorder was previously perceived as the form of hysteria but in 1930 a psychologist Heinz Herman explained that the symptoms of this disorder are similar among a number of persons, which visited Jerusalem, and later this is specifically termed as the Jerusalem disorder.

  • Lima syndrome:

This is a kind of psychological disorder in which victimizers, kidnappers, abductors, militants, or abusers, be affectionate to their, hostages, victims, abused persons and take care of them. The etymology of this syndrome is an incident that takes place in the Japanese embassy in Lima (Peru) in 1996. In this incident, a few members of a local revolutionary movement took hundreds of diplomats along with government officials at the Japanese embassy in Lima. After a few days, these kidnappers release all their hostages.

  • Stockholm syndrome:

This is the exact opposite of Lima syndrome, because in this psychological disorder hostages, victims, and abused people are emotionally attached and become sympathetic, to their kidnappers, Victimizers, or abusers. In this disorder, the victim and hostages have positive feelings some time fall in love with their kidnaper or abuser. This disorder was discovered in 1973 when 4 hostages were taken in Stockholm (Sweden) during a robbery in the bank and these not only protected their kidnapers but also didn’t give any kind of testification and did not become eyewitnesses against the kidnappers.   

  • Stendhal syndrome:

This is a kind of disorder in which any person when seeing any artwork, painting, or beauty, undergoes abnormal physiological states like hypertension, rise in pulse rate, heartbeat, hallucination, psychotic delusion, even fainted and heart attacks. These people are actually fragile and very sensitive to certain things, that may be a beautiful sculpture or picture or a living human being. On this disorder, a movie named “The Stendhal Syndrome” was filmed in 1996 in Italy. This was a very successful story film.

  • Victim syndrome:

It is a disease in which people are constantly blaming the events of their lives on the heads of others.  These types of people actually become like this because of some difficult time in their life or because of some stress.  Crying all the time is one of their special symptoms.  These people will look good on the surface, but these people suffer from a sense of inferiority. These are not successful and have social fears and failures in their relations.

  • Excusitis:

It is a psychiatric illness in which people make excuses all the time.  This disease is also like the first disease that these people seem normal to us but whenever they are given any job they will not spit first and later they will make an excuse and their biggest excuse is that my health was not well or someone was sick at home, whether she was sitting at home watching movies or sleeping. These are lazy people and does not able to complete their assignments and just live by facing insulting attitudes in their offices and workplaces. These people can be cured by the regular sessions but first of all, they don’t accept their problem and they feel like superhumans.

  • Walking corpse syndrome;

This is a kind of neurological disorder in which a person perceives that he has missing some part of the body, or he may be dying or dead. The major cause of walking syndrome disease is head trauma, depression, depression, or dementia. Walking corpse syndrome is also named “Cotard’s Syndrome” because this disorder was discovered by the French psychologist Julies Cotard in 1880. This very rare kind of psychological disorder has about 200 reported cases the world over.  

  • Alien hand syndrome:

In this psychological disorder, one of the two hands of the person is not under the control of the mind. And this hand shows certain kinds of involuntary movements as in this case hands behave in such a way that it has their own mind and so they move irrespective of the conscious control of the brain. The reason behind this is trauma, tumors are death in a certain part of the brain controlling hands.

So, these are the certain diseases that are due to mental and psychological issues. Actually, mental disorders are increasing day by day due to an increase in work stress, polluted atmosphere, and complex social development. If we want to live a normal and healthy life, eat naturally and live naturally. This will reduce problems related to human minds by about 50 %.   

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