3rd Stage – PPSC Biology Quiz 7 – Plant Diversity 2

  1. Which one is not a liverwort?
    a. Marchantia
    b. Porella
    c. Polysiphonia
    d. Riccia
  2. The antheridia and archegonia of liverworts are present of a special structure called as _.
    a. Gametophores
    b. Thallopores
    c. Sporophores
    d. Zygophore
  3. In the alternation of generation of Bryopsida the protonema follows __________stage?
    a. Egg/sperm
    b. Gemetogonia
    c. Zygote
    d. Spore
  4. Which one of the bryophyte plant gametophytes is diecious?
    a. Funeria
    b. Polytrichome
    c. Both
    d. None of the above
  5. Paraphysis involved in _____.
    a. Sperm production
    b. Gamete production
    c. Both
    d. None
  6. The sporophyte is the highly well-developed rest of the other?
    a. Riccia
    b. Funaria
    c. Marchantia
    d. Anthoceros
  7. Which one is incorrect in the amphigestra of porella?
    a. Under leaves
    b. Small
    c. Ventral
    d. Bilobed
  8. The central part of the capsule of the Anthoceros sporophyte, vertical rows of cells, is called _.
    a. Foot
    b. Seta
    c. Capsule
    d. Columella
  9. Swollen basal sterile region of the capsule of Funaria?
    a. Apophysis
    b. Theca
    c. Operculum
    d. Columella
  10. Which one is hairy cap moss?
    a. Funaria
    b. Polytrichum
    c. Anthoceros
    d. Porella
  11. Which one has photosynthetic sporophytes?
    a. Funaria
    b. Polytrichum
    c. Anthoceros
    d. Porella
  12. Which one part of the Psilotum is without a vascular bundle?
    a. Rhizome
    b. Rhizoids
    c. Aerial shoot
    d. Both a & b
  13. The gametophyte is thalloid in __.
    a. Psilotum
    b. Lycopodium
    c. Selaginella
    d. All
  14. Which one are heterosporous plants?
    a. Psilotum
    b. Lycopodium
    c. Selaginella
    d. All
  15. Arthrophytes have special arrangements of sporangiophores named as _.
    a. Strobilus
    b. Flowers
    c. Gametophores
    d. Inflorescence
  16. Incorrect in the case of the adiantum is a __.
    a. Fern
    b. Tracheophyte
    c. Non-seeded
    d. Rootless
  17. The thin-walled covering of the sporangium of adiantum
    a. Cover initial
    b. Annulus
    c. Stomium
    d. Capsule
  18. Which one member belongs to Rosaceae?
    a. Pyrus
    b. Arachis
    c. Dalbergia
    d. Pisum
  19. Which one is not correct in the case of the gametophyte of adiantum
    a. Prothallus
    b. Heart-shaped
    c. Many cells thick at the margins
    d. Antheridia are present near the notch
  20. Megasporophylls of the gymnosperms are _ in texture.
    a. Acellular
    b. Woody
    c. Foliar
    d. Lamellar
  21. The cycas root have stele type?
    a. Diarch
    b. Tetrarch
    c. Diarch in young roots and tetra arch in older roots
    d. Absent
  22. The roots of the cycas infected with _?
    a. Anabaena
    b. Polysiphonia
    c. Pinnularia
    d. Ulva
  23. Which one has the largest male cone in gymnosperms?
    a. Ephedra
    b. Pinus
    c. Pteridium
    d. Cycas
  24. The scales on the roots of pinus are called as _?
    a. Ramenta
    b. Cataphylls
    c. Scales
    d. Epiblema
  25. Spurs of the pinus are _.
    a. Scales
    b. Cones
    c. leaves
    d. Branches

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

Answer Keys – PPSC Biology – Quiz 7 – Plant Diversity 2

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