3rd Stage – PPSC Biology – Quiz 8 – Morphology of Plants

  1. Which type of roots lacks any root hairs?
    a. Fibrous
    b. Adventitious
    c. Stilt ‘
    d. Aquatic
  2. The stem of the brassica is _?
    a. Solid
    b. Jointed
    c. Glabrous
    d. Rhizome
  3. Thick, solid, maybe round underground stem covered with loose sheathing scales is called?
    a. Stem tuber
    b. Corm
    c. Imbricate bulb
    d. Rhizome
  4. Stipules of Ziziphus is _____________type?
    a. Spinous
    b. Tendrillar
    c. Axillary
    d. Foliar
  5. The arrangement of leaves on the stem is called ______.
    a. Insertion
    b. Phyllotaxis
    c. Inflorescence
    d. Anthesis
  6. If leave has only a single midrib, it is called as __.
    a. Microphyll
    b. Megaphyll
    c. Unicostate
    d. Multicostate
  7. The leaves of poppy are _.
    a. Petiolate
    b. Sessile
    c. Sub-sessile
    d. Peltate
  8. Elongated axis bearing sessile flowers are called?
    a. Raceme
    b. Corymb
    c. Spike
    d. Corymbose raceme
  9. Maize have inflorescence type?
    a. Spike
    b. Catkin
    c. Spadix
    d. Corymb
  10. It is a type of cymose when the axis ends in a flower and producing 2 new daughter axis?
    a. Bifurcation
    b. Binary
    c. Biparous
    d. Dichotomous
  11. Euphorbia has a special characteristic inflorescence named __.
    a. Cyathium
    b. Verticillaster
    c. Corymb
    d. Spike
  12. Small dry bracts of the wheat are called _.
    a. Leafy
    b. Scaly
    c. Glumes
    d. Spathe
  13. Which one flower has no bracts?
    a. Lathyrus
    b. Petunia
    c. Bougainville
    d. All
  14. Which one is correct in the case of an Imperfect flower?
    a. May be staminate /Pistillate
    b. Bisexual
    c. Lack of reproductive potential
    d. Formed in pteridophytes
  15. Which one is incorrect in the case of a zygomorphic flower?
    a. Bilateral
    b. Regular
    c. Both
    d. None
  16. Which one has a superior ovary?
    a. Perigynous
    b. Hypogynous
    c. Epigynous
    d. Both a & b
  17. Bell-shaped calyx?
    a. Tubular
    b. Campanulate
    c. Pappus
    d. Bilabiate
  18. Petals fall off after the opening of the flower?
    a. Sepaloid
    b. Caducous
    c. Clawed
    d. Cruciform
  19. Papilionaceous flower?
    a. Pyrus
    b. Pea
    c. Solanum
    d. Acacia
  20. Which one means diandrous?
    a. 2 stamens
    b. Stamens in two whorls
    c. 2 generations of stamens
    d. None of the above
  21. When the anthers face inward?
    a. Elongated
    b. Versatile
    c. Dorsifixed
    d. Intros
  22. When the style originates between the lobes of the ovary it is called as?
    a. Terminal
    b. Lateral
    c. Gynobasic
    d. Petaloid
  23. Achene fruit is found in__________.
    a. Brassica
    b. Castor oil
    c. Buttercup
    d. All
  24. Caryopsis fruit is found in?
    a. Maize
    b. Cereals
    c. Grasses
    d. All
  25. Pome is a kind of fruit present in _?
    a. Pyrus
    b. Malus
    c. Both
    d. None

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

Answer Keys – PPSC Biology – Quiz 8 – Morphology of Plants

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