3rd Stage – PPSC Biology Quiz 1 – Principles in animals life

  1. Which one of the following factor directly influences the environment by non-sustainable use of the natural resource.
    a. Deforestation
    b. Pollution
    c. Soil erosion
    d. Over-population
  2. Which part of phosphatidylcholine is hydrophilic?
    a. Straight tail
    b. Bend tail
    c. Head
    d. Totally non-polar molecules
  3. Which one is absent in glycocalyx?
    a. Carbohydrates
    b. Lipids
    c. Proteins
    d. All present
  4. Release of neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft is a type of movement?
    a. Active
    b. Passive
    c. Facilitated
    d. Exocytosis
  5. Which types of molecule does not require any carrier for the intracellular or extra-cellular transport?
    a. Ions
    b. Proteins
    c. Phospholipids
    d. All needed carriers?
  6. Which one is the monomeric unit of chitin?
    a. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine
    b. Alpha-Galactokonic acid
    c. Alpha-D-Glucose
    d. Amino acid/glycan conjugate
  7. Which one of the following is building block of hemicellulose?
    a. Glucosamine
    b. Alpha-Galactokonic acid
    c. Amino acid/glycan conjugate
    d. Xyloglucan
  8. Which one is not a component of sphingomyelin?
    a. A fatty acid
    b. Phosphocholine
    c. Acetyl group
    d. Sphingosine
  9. How many pyrrole rings are present in a heme?
    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4
  10. Which one is not the name of the Golgi apparatus?
    a. Golgi complex
    b. Golgi bodies
    c. Dictyosome
    d. All are the name of Golgi apparatus
  11. Which plastids involved in the storage of lipids/fats
    a. Amyloplasts
    b. Elaioplats
    c. Chromoplasts
    d. Proteinoplasts
  12. Which one is not present in vacuole?
    a. Ca++
    b. K+
    c. H2PO4
    d. Nucleotide
  13. Which one lacks Glyoxysomes?
    a. Mustard
    b. Caster oil
    c. Soyabean
    d. Pea
  14. Which one of the following scientist is not an evolutionist?
    a. Lamarck
    b. Linnaeus
    c. De Varies
    d. All are evolutionists
  15. Which one not change genotypic and allelic frequencies in a population?
    a. Mutation
    b. Migration
    c. Selective breeding
    d. All results in change
  16. Which one histone is called linker?
    a. H1
    b. H2A
    c. H2B
    d. H3 & H4
  17. In plants gametes are formed by____________.
    a. Meiosis
    b. Mitosis
    c. Nuclear mitosis
    d. First meiosis than mitosis
  18. Dikaryon means?
    a. Diploid nuclei in the cells of mycelium
    b. Haploid nuclei in a cell of a mycelium
    c. Two diploid nuclei in the cell of mycelium
    d. 2 haploid nuclei in the cell of mycelium
  19. Homozygous of autosomal dominant disease crossed with the carrier how many offspring in the next progeny will be affected with that disease?
    a. ¼
    b. ½
    c. 1/3
    d. All affected
  20. The place of Krebs cycle in the cell is?
    a. ETC
    b. Cytoplasm
    c. Mitochondrial Matrix
    d. Peroxisomes
  21. At the end of meiosis I each chromosomes have __ chromatids?
    a. One
    b. May be Two or one
    c. Tetrad
    d. Always two
  22. Which one is hemizygous individual w.r.t. autososmes?
    a. Human male
    b. Human female
    c. Drosophila male
    d. None
  23. Which one have centrioles?
    a. Actinomycetes
    b. Yeasts
    c. Pine tree
    d. None of the above
  24. RNA polymerase 2 involved in the synthesis of?
    a. rRNA
    b. mRNA
    c. tRNA
    d. ssDNA
  25. which one is not an enzyme?
    a. DNA gyrase
    b. DNA helicase
    c. SSBs
    d. DNA Topoisomerase

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

Answer Keys- 3rd Stage Day 1- Biology Quiz 1 – Principles in animals life

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