4 Boosters for your career-virtualmentor.com.pk4 Boosters for your career-virtualmentor.com.pk

4 Boosters for your career

                A successful career is the main requirement to live a successful and independent life on our beautiful blue planet. There are two types of human beings on this plant, i.e. One which are planed workers and others are unplanned workers. The planned workers don’t take any single step without a plan and unplanned workers just jump into the work without any kind of plan. The unplanned workers are totally at the risk of luck for their success. The chances of their success are only about 20 percent while they have about 80 percent chances of their regular failure.  On the other hand, planners have about 80 percent of their chances of success in every field of their life and in most of their cases, they also strive to cope with all the problems that make another 20 percent chances to their sides. What do they do for their successful career? After careful analysis, I am here giving some important qualities that are present in planned workers and they have 100 percent surety, security, and accuracy in the successful completion of their tasks.

  • Flawless Roadmap:

A planned worker first works on his plan and tries to set goals. His plan is accurate and flawless. He analyses his goals and systematically arranges his practical work. Not a single thing is hidden from himself and included every step before the execution of its work. A plan is a basic framework on which the building of any career will be constructed in the near future. Remember one thing, if the basement is poor, no one can construct an outstanding framework for his career.

  • Master in Skill Required Set

After making his plan successful a planned worker learns the required skill set. He learns all the little and big skills to make his plan successful. At the onset of the 20th century, there was a start of a new race and I called it a “success Race”. This “success Race” is now at its highest peak in the 21st century. In this situation, if you want to become successful you will have to be a master in your fields because saturation is at its peak.  That is the requirement of the time that you will leave behind all the jack of all trades because all of these are masters of none, but you are masters of one.

  • Learning from mistakes:

The work of a planned person does not suffer from the ups and downs of life. He follows his roadmap and, routinely checks his problem. His mistakes are never repeated again and again. Repeated mistakes disturb the momentum during the execution of the plan. These mistakes never affect the work of a planned worker, because he has the knowledge to face any such situation. The reason behind such bravery is that he has a well-defined roadmap and has also mastered all the required skill sets.

  • Maintained Enthusiasm:

A planned worker starts his work with energy and his enthusiasm does not decrease until the completion of his task. Most of the people start their work with greater velocity but during their work they become lethargic. But a planned worker does not decrease his morale and works with continuous efforts.

These are the four basic boosters for the successful completion of a plan and these four qualities are present in every planned worker. So, if we want to become successful first of all we have to make an outstanding and flawless plan, we will have to be master the required skill set of our career, we will have to learn from our mistakes and in end, we will not have to decrease our enthusiasm.

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