7 Days PPSC Planner for Zoology – Quiz 2 – Animal Diversity-2

  1. Which one of the following is the last part of the stomach?
    a. Rumen
    b. Omasum
    c. Abomasum
    d. Reticulum
  2. Which one of the following is the larva of the Phoronida?
    a. Actinotrocha
    b. Porotrocha
    c. Cysticera
    d. Metacercaria
  3. A special kind of muscle that pulls two valves of the bivalve shells towards the mid axis is called?
    a. Sphincters
    b. Adductors
    c. Ligaments
    d. Tendons
  4. A type of interaction between two organisms of different species in which only one affected (inhibited or destroyed) is called as
    a. Mentalism
    b. Commensalism
    c. Mutualism
    d. Amensalism
  5. Fish that migrated upstream from seawater for spawning is called as __?
    a. Anadromous
    b. Diadromous
    c. Paradromous
    d. None
  6. A hypersensitive rapid, serious, allergic, systemic reaction is called _?
    a. Anaphylaxis
    b. Paraphlyaxis
    c. Diaphlaxis
    d. None
  7. When two or more blood vessels or fibers results in branching after union it is named as_________?
    a. Atherosclerosis
    b. Arteriosclerosis
    c. Atheromasias
    d. Anastomosis
  8. In a bryozoan colony, the first individual (primary) formed from larvae is called __.
    a. Planula
    b. Bipinnaria
    c. Ancestrula
    d. Muller`s larva
  9. The cells, whose secretion are released by decapitation is named as __?
    a. Hypocrine
    b. Paracrine
    c. Apocrine
    d. Endocrine
  10. Transmembrane protein channels for the transport of water?
    a. Integral proteins
    b. Dimorphic proteins
    c. Hydro Channeling
    d. Aquaporin
  11. A type of coral reef which is surrounded by a lagoon and forms a ring is called as __.
    a. Fringing reef
    b. Atoll
    c. Barrier reef
    d. Both a & b
  12. In Ectoprocta, a bird`s beak-like zooids attached to feeding zooid is ___.
    a. Gastrozoid
    b. Gonozoid
    c. Avicularium
    d. Blastostyle
  13. Bottom dwellers of seas and lakes?
    a. Plankton
    b. Drifting protozoans
    c. Animalcules
    d. Benthos
  14. Brachiolaria of asteroid develops from _______________________.
    a. Radula
    b. Bipinnaria
    c. Mullers
    d. Jack o Lantern
  15. A virgin female of silkworm moth attracts a male by releasing a chemical named as _.
    a. Royal jellies
    b. Bombykol
    c. Nectars
    d. Pheromones
  16. Adipose tissue that has concentrated mitochondria and involved in rapid thermogenesis?
    a. Blubber
    b. Brown fat
    c. Animal fat
    d. Heat shock fat
  17. Pycnogonida`s first pair of appendages?
    a. Chelicera
    b. Chelifore
    c. a & b both are same
    d. Pedipalps
  18. Acetylcholine form from the axonal terminal of __ nerve fiber.
    a. Neuroendocrine
    b. Neurosecretory cells
    c. Cholinergic
    d. Neuroglial
  19. In an amniotic embryo a vascular cover is formed from the mesodermal layers:
    a. Allantois
    b. Chorion
    c. Chorioallantois
    d. Embryo
  20. A placenta formed by the modification of chorionic and allantoic membrane
    a. Umbilical cord
    b. Chordamesoderm
    c. Chorioallantoic placenta
    d. Chorioallantoic membrane
  21. Acontia of sea anemone extruded from a pore is called as;
    a. Cinclides
    b. Cnidocil
    c. Capsule
    d. Operculum
  22. An entire polypeptide is coded by a series of codons on DNA named as _.
    a. Exons
    b. Introns
    c. Cistron
    d. Gene
  23. In a phylogenetic tree, a taxon consists of an ancestor along with all descendants?
    a. Outgroup
    b. Clade
    c. Evolutionary tree
    d. Taxa
  24. In hexactinellid sponges, choanoblasts have flagellated collar?
    a. Pinacocyte
    b. Pinacoderm
    c. Spicules
    d. Collar bodies
  25. Feeding on the fecal matter is called as __?
    a. Aerophagy
    b. Coprophagy
    c. Xerophagy
    d. Autophagy

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

Answer Keys for 7 Days PPSC Planner for Zoology -Quiz 2 – Animal Diversity 2

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