7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology -Quiz-11-Evolution

  1. The diversification of a species into new ecological zone and results in speciation?
    a. Conservative evolution
    b. Adaptive radiation
    c. Kin Selection
    d. K Selection
  2. Relative reproduction success of a specific genotype over other genotypes of a population is called?
    a. Adaptive value
    b. Climax genotype
    c. Allelic fitness
    d. Dominant genotype
  3. The endotherms of the cooler regions of the world have shorter limbs, this is named as_______.
    a. Hordein’s Law
    b. Hodgkin’s Rule
    c. Allen`s Rule
    d. Climatic Rule
  4. Geographical separation leads to formation of __.
    a. Allopatric species
    b. Parapatric species
    c. Sympatric speciation
    d. None
  5. Having a similar character by two or more different groups is named as ____.
    a. Homology
    b. Analogy
    c. Ancestral characters
    d. Key character
  6. Which one involve fertilization?
    a. Amictic
    b. Apomixes
    c. Parthenogenesis
    d. None of the above
  7. Which one is incorrect in case of artificial selection?
    a. Selecting agent is human
    b. Relatively fast process compares to natural selection
    c. Performed on the basis of desired character
    d. Not leads to speciation
  8. Insect A have appearance like to a vary dangerous insectivore? What kind of mimicry is it?
    a. Mullerian Mimicry
    b. Batesian Mimicry
    c. Mertensian Mimicry
    d. Browerian Mimicry
  9. Embryonic stages during development recapitulate evolutionary history.
    a. Biogenetic law
    b. Preformation
    c. Concept of phylogeny
    d. Ontogenesis
  10. Biological species concept`s primary criterion to separate from other species?
    a. Morphology
    b. Genetics
    c. Anatomy
    d. Reproductive isolation
  11. Which one does not affect genotypic frequency of population?
    a. Bottle neck effect
    b. Panmixia
    c. Emigration
    d. Immigration
  12. Slow evolutionary rate of some plants and animals than standard rate is called?
    a. Restricted evolution
    b. Bradytelic
    c. Evolutionary conservation
    d. Oregano-evolution
  13. Which era is of great volcanic activity?
    a. Proterozoic
    b. Paleozoic
    c. Mesozoic
    d. Cenozoic
  14. Trilobites were dominated in__________.
    a. Precambrian
    b. Cambrian
    c. Triassic
    d. Jurassic
  15. First toothed bird appears in the __.
    a. Carboniferous
    b. Triassic
    c. Jurassic
    d. Cretaceous
  16. Last ice age ended in the ___.
    a. Jurassic
    b. Cretaceous
    c. Tertiary
    d. Quaternary
  17. Radiation of mammals occur in?
    a. Triassic
    b. Jurassic
    c. Cretaceous
    d. Cenozoic
  18. Individual of a population with same shared character (e. g. age) form a group technically called as?
    a. Taxa
    b. Legion
    c. Unit
    d. Cohort
  19. Body size increase during the course of evolution of individual, this concept is called as ?
    a. Copes Rule b. Foster rule
    c. Rosenbloom`s rule
    d. None
  20. Creodonts are the Cenozoic placental mammals having feeding style _.
    a. Carnivorous
    b. Insectivorous
    c. Herbivorous
    d. Granivorous
  21. Cursorial dinosaurs were adapted __.
    a. Flight
    b. Glide
    c. Running on land
    d. Swimming
  22. The gene families are formed by _.
    a. Gene duplication & mutation
    b. Environmental influence
    c. Due to presence of sister chromatids
    d. All
  23. Endothermic animals have more pigments on the bodies than ectothermic animals?
    a. Cope’s Rule
    b. Gloger’s Rule
    c. Pigmentation Rules
    d. Both b & c
  24. How much older was the supercontinent Pangea?
    a. 100 million year ago
    b. 150 million year ago
    c. 250 million year ago
    d. 500 million year ago
  25. Life was introduced in this planet from any other planet of universe through any kind of dust or meteorite?
    a. Exotic origin of life
    b. Panspermia
    c. Planetoid origin
    d. Rebirth concept of life

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz 11 – Evolution

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