7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz 12 – Systematic Zoology

  1. Who first time used the term taxonomy?
    a. Carolus Linnaeus
    b. Carl Von Linne
    c. Augustin Pyramus de Candole
    d. De varies
  2. Which one of the following is not a book of Carolus Linnaeus?
    a. Systema naturae
    b. Species plantarum
    c. Both are the books of Linnaeus
    d. None of the above
  3. Which one of the following is modern taxonomy?
    a. Alpha
    b. Beta
    c. Omega
    d. None
  4. Deals with the identification, naming and characterization of new species?
    a. Alpha
    b. Beta
    c. Omega
    d. None
  5. Which deals with the biological characterization of a species at second stage?
    a. Alpha
    b. Beta
    c. Omega
    d. None
  6. Taxonomy which deals with the cytology, biochemistry, genetic and molecular analysis of species?
    a. Alpha
    b. Beta
    c. Omega
    d. None
  7. An arrangement made by taxonomist, and used by them in order to identify and classify an organism into suitable group is called?
    a. Identification key
    b. Identification plot
    c. Identification device
    d. Identification chart
  8. Which kind of arrangement is a polyclave arrangement?
    a. Multiple access
    b. Synoptic
    c. Probability
    d. Both a & b
  9. 6th kingdom is introduced to solve the taxonomic problem of the?
    a. Kingdom Protista
    b. Kingdom Prokaryotae
    c. Kingdom Fungi
    d. None of the above
  10. Which one of the following occurs in artificial classification?
    a. Classification on the basis of evolutionary feature
    b. Non-phylogenetic classification
    c. Deals with morphological features
    d. Both b & c
  11. Group of the same species have similar and identical genotypes?
    a. Biota
    b. Biotype
    c. Ecotype
    d. Phenotype
  12. A group of organisms adapted to live in the same kind of habitat?
    a. Biota
    b. Biotype
    c. Ecotype
    d. Phenotype
  13. Which one of the following is a scientific name?
    a. Colloquial Name
    b. Vernacular Name
    c. Local Name
    d. None
  14. Which one of the following is a congeneric species?
    a. H. erectus & H. sapiens
    b. Macca mullata & H. Sapiens
    c. Macca mullata & Axis porcinus
    d. None
  15. The influence of soil on living organism of an area is called __.
    a. Climatic influence
    b. Abiotic factor
    c. Inorganic factor
    d. Edaphic factor
  16. Two species with similar two ecological niche can coexist at an ecological unit?
    a. Gause rules
    b. Competitive exclusion principle
    c. Both
    d. None
  17. International Rules for Zoological Nomenclature represented by short form?
    a. Binomial system
    b. International code
    c. Scientific Name
    d. Linnaeus Name
  18. A taxonomist who gives more important to similarities than differences?
    a. Lumper
    b. General taxonomist
    c. Universal taxonomist
    d. Both b & c
  19. What was the pre Linnean names of animals?
    a. Published before 1750
    b. Published before 1753
    c. Published before 1758
    d. Published before 1800
  20. Sibling species are
    a. Reproductively isolated
    b. Morphological dissimilar
    c. Both
    d. None
  21. A taxonomic group intermediate between a family and tribe is called as
    a. Race
    b. Tribe
    c. Sub-family
    d. Taxa
  22. A taxonomic group between subfamily and gene?
    a. Race
    b. Tribe
    c. Sub-family
    d. Taxa
  23. Species of the different geologic times is called?
    a. Chronologic species
    b. Allochronic species
    c. Linear species
    d. Subspecies
  24. A specimen that defines scientific name of a species by the original author?
    a. Paratype
    b. Holotype
    c. Lectotype
    d. Isotype
  25. A specimen that is very similar to original?
    a. Paratype
    b. Holotype
    c. Lectotype
    d. Isotype

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz 12 – Systematic Zoology

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