7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz 13 – Microbiology

  1. The study and diagnosis of a disease is called?
    a. Parasitology
    b. Etiology
    c. Pathology
    d. Epidemiology
  2. The branch which deals with the study of the cause of a disease is called?
    a. Parasitology
    b. Etiology
    c. Pathology
    d. Epidemiology
  3. A measure of the risk and health status of disease is studied under?
    a. Parasitology
    b. Etiology
    c. Pathology
    d. Epidemiology
  4. The asexually reproductive structure of a fungus?
    a. Acerviculus
    b. Gametophore
    c. Gametangia
    d. None of the above
  5. Which one is not a character of actinomycetes?
    a. Gram-negative bacteria
    b. Formed branching filament
    c. Have greater medical importance
    d. All are true in case of actinomycetes
  6. Addition of_______________ along with antigen increases the antibody production?
    a. Ancillary
    b. Adjunct
    c. Adjuvant
    d. Ancillary
  7. Single culture of microorganism?
    a. Horticulture
    b. Para-culture
    c. Auxenic culture
    d. None
  8. Did heat kill or weakened bacterial suspension used for the development of immunity?
    a. Antibodies
    b. Serum
    c. Bacterin
    d. Antibodies solution
  9. Cavitation is the use of high frequency _________in a liquid for microbial disintegration?
    a. Radiation
    b. Homogenizer
    c. Sound waves
    d. All
  10. A device used to maintain a culture growth rate?
    a. Thermocycler
    b. Chemostat
    c. Gel tank
    d. Culture plate
  11. Staphylococci secrete enzymes that leads to clotting of blood plasma?
    a. Fibrinogen oxidase
    b. Fibrinogen hydroxylase
    c. Coagulase
    d. Both a & b
  12. The excessive accumulation of the fluid in the tissue is named as?
    a. Edema
    b. Abscess
    c. Blister
    d. Pocks
  13. Coughing material containing living microorganisms?
    a. Droplet nucleus
    b. Aerosols
    c. Pathogen
    d. None
  14. A specific type of toxin that is specifically targets the intestine?
    a. Endotoxin
    b. Exotoxin
    c. Mycotoxin
    d. Enterotoxin
  15. The rapid phase of bacterial culture?
    a. Exponential phase
    b. Log phase
    c. Logarithmic phase
    d. All
  16. Cytoplasm of the epithelial cells smallpox infected person have B type inclusions formerly called as _.
    a. Pox
    b. Pocks
    c. Guarneri bodies
    d. All
  17. Which one is not a function of Heptene?
    a. Initiate antibody production
    b. Attached to large molecules carrier protein for antibody production
    c. Incomplete antigen
    d. All are true
  18. Which one is incorrect in the case of Histiocyte?
    a. Active Phagocyte
    b. Reticuloendothelial system
    c. Macrophagic cell
    d. All are true
  19. Does blood contains specific antibodies?
    a. Immune serum
    b. Serum
    c. Anticlot
    d. All
  20. Which one is incorrect in the case of interferon?
    a. Signaling proteins
    b. Antiviral substance
    c. Mainly secreted by Natural killer
    d. All are true
  21. Which one is not a type of interferon?
    a. Alpha
    b. Beta
    c. Gamma
    d. All are types of interferons
  22. Kline test used for the ____.
    a. Syphilis
    b. Corona
    c. Aids
    d. Hepatitis
  23. Leukopenia is ________________WBCs.
    a. Increase
    b. Tumors
    c. Clotting
    d. Decrease
  24. Which increases the velocity of the enzyme by binding with the allosteric site of enzymes?
    a. Modulator
    b. Effector
    c. Modifier
    d. All
  25. A worldwide epidemic is named?
    a. Pandemic
    b. Outbreak
    c. Sickness
    d. Illness

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz – 13 – Microbiology

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