7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz 5 – Molecular Biology

  1. Adherens junctions are more common in __.
    a. Adipose tissue
    b. Cartilage
    c. Bone
    d. Epithelia
  2. How much distance is present between the plasma membranes of the cells attached with zonulae adherens.
    a. 0.2 nm
    b. 2.0 nm
    c. 20 nm
    d. 200 nm
  3. What kind of protein is highly concentrated at the zone of adherens;
    a. Actin
    b. Myosin
    c. Defensin
    d. Cadherins
  4. Anticodon sequences are present at the;
    a. DNA
    b. mRNA
    c. tRNA
    d. rRNA
  5. Which one of the following terms is incorrect?
    a. Antibody
    b. Autoantibody
    c. Defensin
    d. All are correct
  6. The central microtubule forming core inside cilia or flagella is called?
    a. Core
    b. Microparts
    c. Central microtubule
    d. Axoneme
  7. The cut and patch mechanism used to repair DNA is also called?
    a. Base excision repair
    b. Nucleotide repair
    c. Mismatch repair
    d. Both a & b
  8. Which one lacks a basal lamina?
    a. Surrounds the cells of muscle tissue
    b. Underneath the cells of the epithelium
    c. Both have
    d. Both lack
  9. The cells of tumors that involve in the sustaining and spread of tumors are called?
    a. Onco-cells
    b. Cancer stem cells
    c. Proliferative cell
    d. Malignant cells
  10. A system that lacks any cell but use to study cellular activities is known as___.
    a. Non-cellular system
    b. Invitro
    c. In vivo
    d. Cell-free system
  11. A protein that converts the chemical emery of ATP to the mechanical force of cilia is called _.
    a. Phosphorylase
    b. ATPase
    c. Channel protein
    d. Ciliary dynein
  12. Which one changes the behavior of immune cells?
    a. Antigen
    b. Antibodies
    c. Cytokines
    d. Cyclins
  13. The collection of Cloned fragments of genetic materials is called _.
    a. DNA pool
    b. Gene pool
    c. DNA library
    d. DNA house
  14. A site on DNA that Increases the rate of transcription of a gene is called?
    a. Promoter
    b. Operon
    c. Enhancer
    d. Translocon
  15. Which one is a natural killer to the family as __?
    a. T lymphocyte
    b. B lymphocytes
    c. Monocytes
    d. Both a & b
  16. Which one is not a part of the operon?
    a. Structural gene area
    b. Promoter
    c. Operator
    d. All are present
  17. Dissolved pectin have _____charge.
    a. Positive
    b. Negative
    c. Neutral
    d. Some sites have positive some negative
  18. It is a channel in the Endoplasmic Reticulum membrane through newly formed proteins moved from cytoplasm to lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum.
    a. Cistron
    b. Operon
    c. Transposon
    d. Translocon
  19. These are the DNA Segments that move from one chromosome to another are called?
    a. Cistron
    b. Operon
    c. Transposon
    d. Translocon
  20. It is a cyclic pathway for the complete oxidation of acetyl- Co-A.
    a. TCA cycle
    b. Calvin cycle
    c. Oxidation of pyruvate
    d. ETC
  21. A gene that code protein factor that stops cell growth is name ad __.
    a. Cyclin gene
    b. Turnover-suppressor gene
    c. Oncogene
    d. Apoptotic gene
  22. Destruction of beta cells of the pancreas occurs in the;
    a. Type 1 diabetes
    b. Type 2 diabetes
    c. In both
    d. Not destroyed in any case
  23. Ubiquinone is a _ soluble molecule.
    a. Water
    b. Lipids
    c. Acid
    d. Base
  24. Usher syndrome a genetic disease caused results in _ damage.
    a. Hearing
    b. Vision
    c. Both A
    d. None
  25. Untranslated regions on the mRNA present at __.
    a. 5 b. 3
    c. Both on 5& 3
    d. Removed during transcription

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below..

Answer Keys for 7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology Quiz – 5 – Molecular Biology

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