7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz-7 – Animal Physiology

  1. Arthropods neurosecretion that inhibits Juvenile hormone secretion from corpus allatum?
    a. Allatosatin
    b. Allatotropin
    c. MIH
    d. Neurohormones
  2. Which neurosecretion induces the secretion of juvenile hormone from the corpus allatum?
    a. Allatosatin
    b. Allatotropin
    c. MIH
    d. Neurohormones
  3. It is a stop of respiratory flow or a period without breathing?
    a. Lethargy
    b. Simulator
    c. Apnea
    d. Passive ventilation
  4. Formation of new blood vessels by sprouting or splitting of the previous one?
    a. Proliferation
    b. Angiogenesis
    c. Vascularization
    d. Ramification
  5. Vertebrate CNS has some glial cells which support & regulate neuron action _____.
    a. Astrocyte
    b. Myelocyte
    c. Schwan cells
    d. Liposomes
  6. Sharks receptors which involve in mechanoreception and electroreception present in the nose?
    a. Vomeronasal
    b. Ampullae of Lorenzini
    c. Olfactory Organs
    d. Ampullary Cells
  7. Which one regulates the hormonal secretion of the gut and its motility?
    a. Gastrin
    b. Secretin
    c. Bombesin
    d. Both a & b
  8. Which one of the following terms shows the slow rate of a heartbeat?
    a. Myocardial infarction
    b. Bradycardia
    c. Myocardial stress
    d. Cardiac arrest
  9. Adult eels migrate to saltwater for spawning, this process is named?
    a. Anadromous
    b. Catadromous
    c. Diadromous
    d. Polydromous
  10. The biogenic name of the epinephrine and norepinephrine
    a. Adrenaline
    b. Nor-adrenaline
    c. Catecholamine
    d. Both a & b
  11. Which one is the muscle cell of the heart?
    a. Pericyte
    b. Neocyte
    c. Cardiomyocyte
    d. Purkinje fibers
  12. Pepsin is released from the glandular cells?
    a. Parietal cells
    b. Chief cells
    c. Gastrocyte
    d. Pituicyte
  13. The technical term used for the normal heartbeat rate?
    a. Apnea
    b. Eupnea
    c. Insomnia
    d. Rest-beat
  14. In the crocodilian heart, left and right arteria connected through a structure named as_______.
    a. Foramen of Panizza
    b. Foramen Ovale
    c. Foramen Triossum
    d. Foramen Magnum
  15. Oxygen effect on the binding of the CO2-Hemoglobin.
    a. Vronsky Effect
    b. Haldane Effect
    c. Paranormal Effect
    d. Brinsley Effect
  16. RBCs portion of the whole blood is called?
    a. RBCs Clot
    b. Hematocrit
    c. RBCs percent
    d. Heme level
  17. The tissue __ in invertebrate that performs the role of liver/pancreas.
    a. Gastric caeca
    b. Hepatopancreas
    c. Hepatocyte
    d. Hepatic receptacles
  18. The decrease in tissue oxygen and nutrient due to slow blood flow is called?
    a. Ischemia
    b. Atheroma
    c. Hypertension
    d. Angiotensin
  19. _______are cells that present near the distal tubule and afferent arteriole in the kidney?
    a. Renal corpuscle
    b. Vasa recta
    c. Papillary duct
    d. Juxtamedullary apparatus
  20. Breakdown of triacylglycerides?
    a. Lipogenesis
    b. Lipolysis
    c. Hydrolysis
    d. Digestion
  21. It is a phase in the ovulatory cycle of females between the ovulation and maturation of a new follicle.
    a. Ovarian phase
    b. Luteal phase
    c. Proliferative phase
    d. Follicle phase
  22. NaCl concentration in the tubule of the juxtamedullary apparatus is sensed by?
    a. Symport channel
    b. Antiport channel
    c. Macula densa
    d. Aquaporin
  23. A cell that develops into a mature muscle cell?
    a. Mylogenous Cell
    b. Lymphogenous Cell
    c. Myoblast
    d. Myocyte
  24. X-Shaped structure by optic nerves forms in the area of __?
    a. Carpus callosum
    b. Amygdala
    c. Hippocampus
    d. Optic chiasm
  25. A protein belongs to the G protein family and involved in the transduction of the optic nerve.
    a. Alpha – G Protein
    b. Beta – G Protein
    c. Opsin
    d. Transducins

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz-7-Animal Physiology

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