7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz-8 – Development Biology

  1. Which one is incorrect in case of acrosomal reaction?
    a. Calcium-dependent process
    b. Release of proteolytic enzymes by exocytosis
    c. Require a protein vehicle
    d. All are true
  2. Allontois is derived from?
    a. Splanchnopleure
    b. Notochord
    c. Somite
    d. Chordamesoderm
  3. Androgenic insensitivity causes in the development of a male into
    a. Normal
    b. Supermale
    c. Super female
    d. Intersex
  4. Which one is incorrect in case of angioblast?
    a. Collagen forming cell
    b. A stem cell
    c. A progenitor of blood vessel
    d. A rapidly dividing cell
  5. Which one is incorrect in case of an animal pole?
    a. Non-Yolky/less yolky
    b. Upper half
    c. Contain actively mobile cells
    d. Freezing centre of an embryo
  6. The archenteron in __ is formed by the invagination of the vegetal plate in the blastocoel.
    a. Sea urchin
    b. Fish
    c. Frog
    d. Chick
  7. Which one of the following part is not included in the autopod
    a. Carpals/Metacarpals
    b. Tarsals/Metatarsals
    c. Both included
    d. None of the above
  8. Which one of the following is an anchor for cadherins?
    a. Cyclin
    b. Beta-catenin
    c. G protein
    d. Glycoproteins
  9. Chordamesoderm results in the formation of
    a. Head
    b. Notochord
    c. Gut
    d. Both a & b
  10. Chorion is generated from the
    a. Trophoblast
    b. Somatopleure
    c. Both a & b
    d. None of the above
  11. The phenomenal response to the inductive signal is termed as
    a. Induction
    b. Competence
    c. Expressivity
    d. Morphogenesis
  12. JH of insects released from the
    a. X – Organs
    b. Y – Organs
    c. Corpora allata
    d. Corpora cardiaca
  13. Which protein forms the largest subunit of mitosis promoting factor?
    a. G protein
    b. Cyclin H
    c. Cadherins
    d. Cyclin B
  14. The maternal part of placentae, formed from the endometrium of the mother is called as
    a. Umbilical cord
    b. Decidua
    c. Foetal spine
    d. Foetal face
  15. Which one is a direct Development?
    a. Zygote > Embryo > Adult
    b. Zygote > Embryo > Larvae > Adult
    c. Zygote > Embryo > Nymph > Adult
    d. Both a & c
  16. Ecdysone in its composition is _ hormone.
    a. Amino acid
    b. Protein
    c. Steroids
    d. Vitamins derivative
  17. Eph receptor involved in the _ signalling.
    a. Paracrine
    b. Apocrine
    c. Juxtacrine
    d. None of the above
  18. The estrus period of an elephant is about
    a. 6- 8 month
    b. 10 – 12 month
    c. 8 – 13 month
    d. 13 – 18 months
  19. Which one is called a female pronucleus.
    a. Nuclei of egg
    b. Nuclei of zygote
    c. Nuclei of a cell of the vegetal pole
    d. Nuclei of a cell of the animal pole
  20. The opening present between the two atria of the foetus
    a. Foramen magnum
    b. Foramen triossum
    c. Foramen atrium
    d. Foramen ovale
  21. Which one thing is not present inside germplasm
    a. mRNA
    b. Proteins
    c. Water
    d. All present
  22. Which one is not true in the case of Grey Cresent
    a. Appears after the fertilization
    b. Formed after cortication events
    c. Gastrulation starts in this region
    d. Characteristics of a fish zygote
  23. If individual cells move surface to the interior of embryo it is called as
    a. Ingression
    b. Epiboly
    c. Involution
    d. Migration
  24. Which one is winged sexually mature individual
    a. Imago
    b. Instar
    c. Nymph
    d. None
  25. Eye colour is determined by the
    a. Cornea
    b. Iris
    c. Retina
    d. Sclera

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first, and then you have to look at the key given below.

7 Days PPSC Planner Zoology – Quiz 8 – Embryology

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