Are birth control pills effective?

Are birth control pills effective?

Before to know, are birth control effective, we must know about birth control pills. Today we will discuss birth control pills, their chemistry, mechanism of action, effectiveness, and side effects.

What are birth control pills?

These are oral contraceptive pills used to control birth by stopping egg production, ovulation (release of eggs from ovaries), or discouraging pregnancies.

Old birth control practices:

Actually, birth control strategies have been used for a long. These methods were principally divided into two methods, I.e., premating strategies as well as post-mating strategies. Natural birth control procedures by tracking the menstrual cycles were found in various civilizations. This is called as rhythm method of birth control. These contraceptive practices were very healthy but didn’t give better results but birth control pills are more effective. The use of birth control pills has a more than 90 % success rate. Birth control procedures by utilizing oral medicines have been found in old ayurvedic practices. For example, the use of Abies webbiana as an oral contraceptive has been found that prevent implantation.  

First oral contraceptive pill:

A number of oral contraceptive treatments were performed in ancient times but the first authorized contraceptive pill was Envid-10. It is approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1960. This was synthesized by Searle, Chicago. These birth control pills are effective and comfortable in their utilization. But these also have a number of side effects because these result in nausea, dizziness, antiperistalsis, and alteration in menstruation.  

Modern hormonal pills:

These are the pills that are actually hormones and interfere with the hormonal system of females to control births. These are of two types;

  1. Progestin Pills: These pills contain progesterone only.
  2. Combination pills: These pills are a combination of estrogen and progesterone at the same time.


These pills are used once in 24 hours at a fixed time.


Normally increased progesterone levels in the blood inhibited follicle development and suppress ovulation (release of eggs).  

Hormonal birth control pills’ effectiveness:

  1. Natural hormones: The use of hormonal birth control pills is very effective and save than any other kind of medicine. Because every female also produces these hormones in her body. Giving these hormones externally is just like happens naturally.
  2. Used anytime: These are effective in their use during any stage of the female even in her milk feeding.
  3. Easily available: These are easily available in the markets and easily accessible.
  4. Easy to use: These tablets are very simple in their use and there is nothing any need to be worried about. But it is highly recommended don’t use it without the prescription of specialists.
  5. Good results: Hormonal birth control pills have the highest result in all kinds of oral treatment strategies.
  6. The next pregnancy is very easy: Whenever you want your next pregnancy you will have to stop their use. No other special protocol or utilization of drugs is required.

Birth control pill’s long-term side effects:

Before we discuss their possible side effects, we must remember that the birth control pill’s long-term side effects depend on the physical, social, mental, and psychological health of females. Most commonly one or few abnormalities result due to long-term use of birth control pills and these can be easily treated by stopping the use of birth control pills.

  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Dizziness and headaches
  3. Tenderness of the breast
  4. Irregularities in female reproductive cycles
  5. Spotting: A brown discharge other than menstruation
  6. Decreased sexual desires
  7. Disturbance in the mood  

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