Blood donations & Blood donations health benefits

Blood donation and blood donation health benefits:

Before we talk about the blood donation health benefits, we have to know about our blood and its functions briefly.

What is blood?

Blood is a biological agent that is composed of blood plasma, White blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Blood is a liquid medium of the human body that is responsible for the transport of different substances in our bodies. These substances include food, respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), and wastes, which transported from one place of the body to another for their utilization or removal.  

Functions of blood:

Blood is a very important component of our body. The functions represent of blood given below tell us its roles in the maintenance of life;

  1. Blood transports the absorbed food by our digestive system to all parts of the body.
  2. Blood transports wastes from all over the body to kidneys for their removal.
  3. Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body for oxygenation of tissues and carbon dioxide from different parts of the body towards the lungs for its removal.
  4. Blood also maintains bodie’s homeostatic functions, like thermoregulation, hormonal distribution, and metabolic regulation.
  5. Blood acts as a defensive soldier because it produces antibodies to kills pathogens and some WBCs also eats germs.
Blood donations practices & Blood donations health benefits
Blood donations practices & Blood donations health benefits

Blood donation:

Blood donations are of a variety of types but most commonly these are of 4 types.

  1. Complete blood donation: Complete blood donation is needed when a person faces excessive bleeding due to accidental injuries, operations, and surgeries. In some other cases such as anemia whole blood donation is required.  
  2. Plasma donation: This kind of donation is needed to treat bleeding disorders. Plasma donation used for the treatment of liver disorders, and certain carcinomas. Plasma is also given to the patients to boost their immune system in infections or other kinds of problems.  
  3. Platelets donation: About half of the world’s platelets donations were given to cancer patients. Other platelets donations are given to certain infections such as dengue fever etc.   
  4. Double red cell donation: This is also called power red donation and this is required in certain types of cancers.

Who can donate blood and gets blood donation health benefits?

Any healthy adult can safely donate blood to a needy person. Before donating blood, everyone should check pulse rate, B.P. body temperature, and CBC tests (especially hemoglobin and RBC count). The donor has to be negative for the test reports of hepatitis, HIV, and serious bacterial infections.  We must have to know that the blood donation health benefits are only for those, who have normal parameters of physical and physiological health.

The most important things to be remembered for blood donations are;

  1. Your age must be more than 18.
  2. Your weight must be more than 50 kg.
  3. You are free from different kinds of infections.
  4. You have not donated blood in the last 3 – 6 months before.
  5. Remember that don’t skip breakfast before donating blood.  

Blood donation health benefits:

  1. Psychologically benefits: When anybody donates blood to a needy person for saving his life, he got spiritual, emotional, and psychological peace. This can relieve him from depression and stress. The reduction in stress makes him happy and end his anxiety.
  2. Lower hypertension: Blood donation improves the lipid profile and this directly relates to the reduction and normalization of hypertension. This ultimately results in making blood pressure normal.
  3. Lower risk of heart attacks: The reduction in hypertension and normalization of blood pressure directly increases cardiovascular health and lowers the chances of heart attacks.  


sometimes blood donation health benefits are challenged. This is mostly due to the some health issues in blood donating person. Following disadvantages occur after donation of blood but remembered that these are mostly short-term issues and can be easily overcome by utilization of recommendations of health care professionals.

  1. Bruising and pain.  
  2. Headaches
  3. Nausea
  4. Dizziness
  5. Weakness
  6. Fatigue

Health care recommendation:

How we can recover fast from any kind of weakness symptoms appearing after blood donation? We are giving some health care recommendation regarding the issues which challenges your blood donation health benefits

  1. Drink more water
  2. Drink liquid foods such as milk, fresh juices, apple juice, and banana shake.
  3. Take high-quality protein such as eggs because eggs are wonderful nutritional giants.
  4. Take iron tablets because iron is the main component of hemoglobin  

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