Essay writing help with essay writing examples-virtual mentor

Essay writing help with essay writing examples:

What is an Essay?

A piece of comprehensive information about a certain topic or phenomenon is called an essay. Literally, it is a short piece of work but it should be a masterpiece that appeals to its reader.

Here I am telling some good points about writing an essay. It is a simple and easy approach to writing an essay. I have been working with students for a long time and these are my practical points to write an essay. These points are very good for essay writing help and this article also contains essay writing examples.

Characteristics of a good essay:

  1. Creativity and brainstorming: An essay is a test of a writer’s imagination and an inventive mind is necessary for good writing works. An inventive mind is an inherited property but when you have good readings then this will make you have a lot of ideas to arrange in your work. Creativity helps in the arrangement of contents and is strongly associated with essay writing.  
  2. An essay must be theme centered: It means that an essay was based on the foundation of a theme and it is a pivotal point. Every explanation and argumentation must have unity and focus. The theme varies with the essay writing examples. Essay writing online is a very interesting piece of work.
  3. Arrangement: A good quality of an is coherence. When theme-centred and arranged logic are combined together, a new masterwork is created. Arrangements make a smooth flow during reading and a writer stick with your essay.
  4. Clarity: One main problem with writing an essay, the contents are sometimes unclear. When the contents of a writing piece of work are not clear, it is boring. So, avoid writing boring stuff and this will be a most appealing piece of artwork.  
  5. Standard language: To give anyone a certain idea, language is most important. Language is a beautiful means of communication. All living organisms use vocal signals but only humans are able to transform these vocal signals on paper. So, your language must be standard, have proper idioms and idiomatic phrases, and be without errors. Avoid common errors during writing an essay and remember the active and passive sense of a sentence. The standard language is the main advantage in essay writing online because thousands of writers are there with plenty of work. But everyone is not able to use standard language protocols.
  6. Avoid stuffed classification: A standard essay does not require the creation of classes within contents. Writing outlines and headings are not needed normally. Some essays needed points but these are only special cases.  

Different terminologies related to Essays:

  1. Thesis statement: The statement on which the entire essay is based is called a thesis statement. For example; when you are writing an essay on a watch the simple thesis statement will be that “There are many watches in the world but I have the best one”. Your essay must be revolved around this statement.
  2. Introduction to an essay: It is the opening of your essay. It must be appealing because this decides a reader to move on or stop writing your essay.
  3. Body of an essay: It is a part of an essay between the introduction and conclusion. It is further divided into certain paragraphs each containing a specific idea related to your thesis statements.  
  4. Conclusion of the essay: It is the closing of your essay. It is a final summary of your entire debate. This contains all the properties of the entire essay. Any reader having little time will judge the entire contents from your conclusions.  

Types of an Essay:

  1. Argumentative: It is a niche of an essay that contains argumentation and shreds of evidence. It is a type of evaluation of certain issues. For example, Anti-feminism, violence against women, Science and standard of life, etc.  
  2. Comparative: It is an essay that contains a comparison of two or more things. I suggest writing this essay with the upper hand on one of the topics. Some writers want to write objective writing but I prefer to write by going with one side. For example, City life vs village life, love marriage vs arranged marriage, pros and cons of the internet, etc.
  3. Descriptive: It is an essay to describe an object, person, or feeling. It is a pen picture of a certain thing and contains a visual explanation of an object of work, feelings, and emotions of a person or a group of people.  For example, A watch, a school, an NGO, etc.
  4. Expository: It is an essay that has factual information. These are actually scientific reports, educational articles, and magazine essays. For Example, Effects of mobile radiation on kids, the Effect of lead on the blood biochemistry, Pollution, its causes, and solutions, etc
  5. Narrative: It is an essay that contains a narration of an event or activity. It is just like a story. It is a stepwise explanation of an event. For example A cricket match, I saw a dream last night, Events of an international conference, etc.

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