PEEDA Act-2006: Rule & regulation, and its exercise

PEEDA Act-2006: Rule & regulation, and its exercise


The PEEDA Act-2006 is an abbreviation of the Punjab Employee Efficiency Accountability and Discipline (PEEDA) Act, 2006. PEEDA Act-2006 is an important act established by the government. It is for the efficient and effective accomplishment of government work in all the public sector Institutions and organizations under the Punjab Government. We are discussing a critical summary of the PEEDA Act-2006 and the hierarchal skeleton for its exercise and practice.

Objectives of PEEDA ACT-2006:

The main goals of the PEEDA Act-2006 are as follows:

  1. Accountability and Discipline: This act’s main objective is to maintain responsibility and discipline. This will enhance the working power and efficacy of the employees.
  2. Maintenance of Authority: An organization must have authority and employees should be checked according to their issues, short comes, and inefficiencies. Otherwise, a lack of control leads to governance issues in the departments.
  3.  To provide a range of penalties according to code and conduct in case of misconduct, misbehavior, inefficiency, and corruption.
  4. Establishment of an Appellate authority: it is essential to assess the PEEDA exercises against employees and the provision of relief in case of any unfair case.

What is PEEDA?

It is an abbreviation of the “Punjab Employees Efficiency Accountability and Discipline (PEEDA) Act, 2006”.


PEEDA act 2006 is a very long evolving history and passed through the following names in the past. It was initiated as rules but now it is an act.

When it was Rules?

The Service of the government employees was regulated as service and have the following nomenclatures.  

  • The west Pakistan Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) (E & D) Rules, 1960.
  • The Efficiency & Discipline (E & D) Rules, 1975.
  • The efficiency and Discipline (E &D) Rules, 1999.

When it was Ordinance:

  • The Punjab Removal from the service Ordinance (PRSO), 2000.

When it became an Act:

  • “Punjab Employees Efficiency Accountability and Discipline (PEEDA) Act, 2006”. And it was practiced and exercised In the Punjab province till now.

Scope of the PEEDA Act-2006:

The jurisdiction and implementation of the PEEDA Act-2006 are as follows:

  • It shall come into action immediately after passing.
  • It was applicable to the whole of Punjab.
  • It will be applicable to the employees of Punjab based; Government sector employees, Corporate sector employees, and Retired employees.
  • For proceedings against retired employees must be started during service one year of their retirement.

Different terminology used in PEEDA proceedings:

AccusedAn employee against whom PEEDA act 2006 Initiation takes place. 
Appellate authorityAn authority higher than the competent authority to which an accused appeals against the penalties of the PEEDA Act 2006. 
Appointed authorityA notified government authority is responsible for the appointment of government employees.
AppealA process in which an employee will be entertained on unfair penalties during proceedings.  
Code of ConductResponsibilities, obligations, and prohibitions during the service devised by the PEEDA Act-2006.
Competent authority A notified government authority initiates proceeding against employees according to the PEEDA act 2006.
CorruptionConduct contrary to conduct rules. Demand or acceptance of reward (money or valuables) for doing duties or out-of-conduct rules. Speculative transactions Misuse of official position Abnormal influence while appointment, promotion, transfer, & punishments of other government employees. Conviction of an offense by a court of law.
Disciplinary AuthorityAn authority that has the power to take the initiative in proceedings according to the PEEDA Act-2006.  
Dismissal from the serviceA penalty in which an employee is detached from service and he/she will not be able to serve again in any public sector department in the government.
Hearing officerAn officer is appointed by a competent authority to give a chance hearing to the accused.
MisconductMisconduct includes ill practices such as Inefficacy of service, absence from duty, misbehaving with other employees, engaging in ill practices, and disclosing official/departmental information.  
PenaltiesAn imposed punishment in case of misconduct in service rules according to the PEEDA Act-2016.
Removal from the serviceA penalty in which an employee is detached from service and he/she will be able to serve again in any other public sector department in the government.
Show cause NoticeA written notice to government employees on their misconduct in service rules according to code and conduct.
Vigilance CommitteeIt is a committee comprising departmental officials and is responsible for the observation, monitoring, and reporting of employees in case of any misconduct to the discipline committee or discipline authority.
Table-1-Terminology Used in the PEEDA Act-2006

Remember That: When more than one official involved and also have some high-ranked officials, the authority for the seniormost accused official is the authority of all accused.  

Grounds for the proceedings against officials by PEEDA Act 2006.

  • Corruption
  • Misconduct

Summary of Sections in PEEDA-2006:

IScope of the PEEDA Act 2006
IIProcedural under the PEEDA Act 2006
IIICompetent authorities under the PEEDA Act 2006
IVGrounds for proceeding and penalties
VDetails of charges or allegations
VIIDispense with regular inquiry
VIIIAction in case of conviction or plea bargain
IXAppointment of the inquiry officer
XRole of the inquiry officer
XIJoint inquiry where one accused is absent
XIIRole and responsibilities of the departmental representatives
XIIAction to be taken by the competent authority on the receipt of the inquiry officer
XIVRole of the hearing officer
XVInquiry against the employees posted outside the cadre
XVIAppeal or review
XVIIIAppeal before the Punjab Service Tribunal
XIXInquiry against retired employees
Table-2-Sections of PEEDA Act-2006

Initiation of the process:

Competent authority:

The competent authority (disciplinary authority) starts the proceeding against an employee for misconduct.  

  1. (a) Proceed itself by issuing a show cause letter (under section 7, for motives recorded in writing/dispense with the inquiry)
  2. (b) Can hold an inquiry (Under section-9 appointment of inquiry Officer)

Dispensing of inquiry:

  • Conviction of an offense by a court of law (other than bribery)
  • Absence from duty
  • Sufficient documentary evidence

The cases in which there is no need for inquiry or show cause:

  • Satisfactory evidence that challenges the security of the country
  • Employees have been involved in the Plea bargain
  • Employees have been involved in the subversive practices


Minor penalties:

  • Censure: It is a way of minimum formal punishment including severe criticism and warning.  
  • Fine (maximum to month salary)
  • Reduction to lower scales (maximum 5 years)
  • Withholding of increments (maximum 5 years)
  • Withholding of promotion (maximum 5 years)

Major penalties:

  • Recovery of bribed money
  • Recovery from pay pension
  • Reduction to a lower rank (For a maximum of 5 years)
  • Reduction to lower scales (For a maximum of 5 years)
  • Forfeiture of past service (five years)
  • Compulsory retirement
  • Removal from the service
  • Dismissal from the service

Post-retirement penalties:

  • Withholding pension and other benefits
  • Withdrawing pension and other benefits
  • Recovery from the pension and other benefits
OfficerDutyTime span
Inquiry officerCompletion of proceedings60 days
Competent authorityAnnouncement of decision90 days
AppellantAppeal before the appellate authority against the decision of the competent authorityWithin 30 days
Appellate authorityDecisionWithin 90 days
AppellantAppeal before the PST against the decision of an appellate authorityWithin 30 days
AppellateAn appeal in the supreme court60 days
Table-3-Appealing time and appealing authorities PEEDA Act-2006


  1. Punjab Employee Efficiency and Accountability Act, 2006
  2. Punjab Civil Service Rules Volume I

2 thoughts on “PEEDA Act-2006: Rule & regulation, and its exercise”

  1. Pingback: THE PEEDA ACT 2006 Inquiry Proceedings against Retired Employee How Long Continue - M Atif Qureshi

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