Pharyngitis-(sore throat)-causes-symptoms-treatment

Pharyngitis (sore throat) causes, symptoms, & treatment

What is pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis (sore throat) is a pain and inflammation of the pharynx.  It is a medical condition that affects people of all age groups and commonly occurs in winter. It is most commonly called a sore throat. The pharynx is a part of the throat behind the mouth and nasal pathways and is commonly used for the passing of air as well as food. Its inflammation is caused by infections or some environmental issues. Let us discuss them in detail.

What causes pharyngitis?

The most common pharyngitis results from the following main reasons;

1. Viral Infections: Viruses are the most common causes of acute sore throat. The main viral species that are responsible for pharyngitis are paramyxoviruses, varicella-zoster virus (VZV that causes chickenpox), Epstein-Barr Virus (that causes mononucleosis) rhinovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus (that causes group-barking cough), adenovirus (that causes common cold), and coronavirus.

2. Bacterial Infections: The most serious infection of the throat results from bacteria that require immediate attention. The bacterial species that is a common culprit of pharyngitis is Streptococcus. The infection is named as strep throat. Other bacteria involved in the sore throat are Bordetella pertussis (that causes whooping cough-pertussis), gonorrhea, chlamydia, and corynebacterium.   

3. GERD: The gastroesophageal reflux disease results in back reflux of the stomach contact back into the pharynx, where stomach acid produces burning in the pharynx.

4. Environmental Factors: Exposure to irritants like smoke, dust, dry air, hot air, and very cold air, also results in throat inflammation.

5. Allergens: In hypertensive allergens such as pollen, dust, and smoke can activate inflammation of the throat.

Symptoms of Pharyngitis:

Symptoms are less pronounced in viral infections but very pronounced in bacterial infections.

  1. Sore throat: The main symptom of pharyngitis is a painful or scratchy throat. Other symptoms are associated with sore throat. Pain is moderate in viral infections and very strong in bacterial infections.
  2. Fever (usually up to 99-1000C in viral pharyngitis and Above 1000C in bacterial Pharyngitis)
  3. Swelling and inflammation of the pharynx:
  4. Redness in pharynx (with white and grey patches)
  5. Difficulty in swallowing
  6. Tonsillar swellings
  7. Swollen lymph nodes
  8. Runny nose
  9. Chills
  10. Cough
  11. Loss of appetite
  12. Nausea
  13. Unusual taste in my mouth
  14. General malaise (unidentified discomfort and unease)

Diagnosis of pharyngitis:

  1. Physical examination: Throat is mild red or normal or without serious exudate it is a viral infection and if it is extremely red with purulent deposits it is a bacterial infection.
  2. Throat culture: A throat swab is collected for laboratory culture and analysis, especially when strep throat is suspected.
  3. RADT: Rapid antigen detection test
  4. CBC: To detect lymphocytosis and atypical lymphocytes

General management:

  1. Drinking plenty of fluid to prevent yourself from dehydration.
  2. Eating warm broth
  3. Gargling with half-warm salt water
  4. Use of humidifier
  5. Taking rest until recovery

Treatment of Pharyngitis:

In the case of bacterial infections pharyngitis will be treated with antibiotics while in the case of viral infections, it will be treated symptomatically.

  1. Viral pharyngitis:
    a. Rest
    b. Hydration
    c. Pain relievers
    d. Symptomatic treatments
  2. Bacterial pharyngitis (strep throat):
    a. Antibiotic treatment
    b. Medication for the prevention of complications
  3. Special Symptomatic remedies:
    a. Gargles
    b. Throat sprays
    c. Lozenges
    d. Well-hydration
  4. GERD Treatment:
    a. Antiacid medication
    b. Dietary modifications

Herbal Remedies:

  1. Use of honey because of its natural antibacterial and soothing properties.
  2. Ginger tea because ginger is an anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting agent.
  3. Turmeric in combination with warm milk because of its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Treatment chart for Pharyngitis:

Sr. No.Drug of choice/Antibiotics *Against infection
1.Amoxilicn/Prescribe by doctor  Against bacterial infections
2.ParacetamolAs antipyretic agent
3IbuprofenIn the case of GERD
4AcetaminophenOCT pain relievers For those who are allergic to NSAIDS
5Throat lozengesTo lubricate and soothe the irritated tissue of the throat
6Throat spraysTo lubricate and soothe the irritated tissue of the throat
7Dextromethorphan (Robitussin, Delsym)Cough suppressant
8Orexigenic drugsAppetite stimulant
9AntiacidsIn case of GERD
Treatment of Pharyngitis

* Note: The dose and duration of the antibiotic course can only be used by a doctor’s prescription.

Preventive Measures:

The following are the main precautions to avoid pharyngitis:

  1. Regular vaccinations such as flu vaccines
  2. Avoid contact with irritants and allergens
  3. Quit smoking if you are a smoker
  4. Manage your allergies
  5. Maintain good hygiene

Pharyngitis or sore throat is a very common condition in oncoming winter conditions. It may be infectious or due to environmental irritants and allergens. Prevent yourself from pharyngitis by avoiding contact with infectious agents, irritants, and allergens. If you are experiencing sore throat consult with your physician immediately. You can make yourself better by understanding its causes, symptoms, prevention, and management.

For complete herbal prescriptions from experts click here

Herbal Remedies of Sore Throat:

Stay blessed

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