Retake PPSC Biology 2021-Quiz-6-Genetics

  1. Who did coin the term genetics the first time?
    a. Watson & Crick
    b. Willian Bateson
    c. Mendel
    d. Rosalind Franklin
  2. The idea of inheritance in which every organ of the animal body gives vapors which unite to form new offspring, was proposed by?
    a. Aristotle
    b. Pythagoras
    c. Hippocrates
    d. Leonardo da Vinci
  3. The idea of the equal contribution of male and female was proposed by
    a. Aristotle
    b. Pythagoras
    c. Hippocrates
    d. Leonardo da Vinci
  4. The theory of germplasm was proposed by?
    a. Hippocrates
    b. Charles Darwin
    c. Weismann
    d. Gregor Mendel
  5. The theory of pangenesis was proposed by?
    a. Hippocrates
    b. Charles Darwin
    c. Weismann
    d. Gregor Mendel
  6. The branch of genetics which deals with continuously varying traits?
    a. Quantitative genetics
    b. Qualitative genetics
    c. Classical genetics
    d. Both b & c
  7. Study of linkage maps and crossing over of living organism?
    a. Morganian genetics
    b. Clinical genetics
    c. Cytogenetics
    d. Behavioral genetics
  8. An albino lack pigments in?
    a. Skin
    b. Eye
    c. Hairs
    d. All
  9. A darkly stained inactivated X-chromosome?
    a. Mutants
    b. Vestigial
    c. Recombinant
    d. Bar body
  10. A region of DNA that codes a single polypeptide is called?
    a. Operon
    b. Intron
    c. Exon
    d. Cistron
  11. Crisscross inheritance?
    a. SRY gene
    b. Hemophilia
    c. Down syndrome
    d. Turners’ syndrome
  12. Red and green colorblindness?
    a. Protanomalous
    b. Deuteranomalous
    c. Daltonism
    d. None
  13. A genetic component that occurs in bacteria?
    a. Plasmid
    b. Episomes
    c. Both
    d. None
  14. A gene that is masked by the other gene on different locus is called as_________?
    a. Hypostatic
    b. Pleiotropic
    c. Epistatic
    d. Recessive
  15. A gene that is solely present on Y chromosomes is called?
    a. Sex-linked
    b. Holandric
    c. Hybridoma
    d. Homogametic
  16. Which does not appear in the mRNA?
    a. Introns
    b. Exons
    c. Episomes
    d. All
  17. A gene that kills its bearers?
    a. Lethal gene
    b. Klinefelter’s gene
    c. Mutant gene
    d. Abnormal gene
  18. A gene that results in uncontrolled cellular proliferation?
    a. Oncogene
    b. Paragene
    c. Cyclin gene
    d. Caspin gene
  19. When two different genotypes produce the same phenotypes?
    a. Clone
    b. Petites
    c. Phenocopy
    d. Plasma gene
  20. Non-allele so closely linked that they inherited together?
    a. Pure line gene
    b. Pseudo-alleles
    c. Siblings’ gene
    d. Vector gene

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