
Sciatica: Sciatic Nerve, Sciatica Pain, and Sciatica treatment at Home.


Sciatica is a kind of pain that radiates over the course of the sciatic nerve. It means that sciatic pain starts from your lower back (lower lumbar region) to the hips, legs, and bottom of your feet.

What is a sciatic Nerve?

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It is more than a meter long. It is the thickest nerve almost thicker like a finger. It is formed of 5 roots from the lower spine, with which 2 roots start from the lumbar region and three roots start from the sacral area. It starts from the lower back from the last part of the spinal cord and leads to the entire leg until the bottom of your feet. It innervates to your entire legs.


Test for the sciatic.

Lay down on your back and raise your painful legs at a 30-degree angle with your laying position. If it results in more pain and uncomfortable situations for you then you are suffering from sciatica. Remember that if the pain is on the side of your leg that you are not suffering from sciatica because sciatic nerves is only present on the back of your buttock and legs leading downwards.

Symptoms of sciatica:

  1. Severe stabbing pain in the lower back.
  2. Pain radiates over the course of the sciatic nerve, which means, the lower back to one or both legs.
  3. Feel very uncomfortable during walking, especially when you place your feet on land.
  4. Inability to put your weight on the legs.
  5. You feel your leg very weak during walking.
  6. Problem with your sitting or laying on your back.


There are four types of sciatica:

  1. Acute sciatica: It is the onset of the pain and it lasts for one week to four weeks, occasionally for 2 months.
  2. Chronic sciatica; If the sciatic pain lasts for more than two months it is a chronic form of sciatica. it lasts for several months.  
  3. Alternating sciatica: It is a very rare form of sciatica and it results in the alternative onset of sciatic pain on the right and left legs. It moves from left and right leg and right to left leg. Usually results from the problem in the sacroiliac joints. These joints link the pelvis to the lower spine.  
  4. Bilateral sciatica: It is a type of sciatic pain that occurs in both legs simultaneously. It usually results from herniated discs (slipped intervertebral discs).


                Primarily sciatic pain occurs due to the irritation, damage, pressing, or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Any factor that results in these situations leads to sciatica. Some major and important causes are given below.

  1. Improper administration of injection in the back.
  2. Accidents, especially those that involve backbone, herniation of discs, fall o buttocks.
  3. Any disturbance that disturbs your lumbar curve of the vertebral column.
  4. Sitting in uncomfortable posture for longer periods.
  5. Sitting for a much longer time a day, usually 10-15 hours a day.
  6. Obesity and overweight affect the shape of the body.
  7. Wearing uncomfortably tight dresses for longer times.
  8. Herniation of an intervertebral disc
  9. Skeletal problems, like a disturbance in the spine, vertebrae, etc.
  10. Improper nutrition leads to weakness of bones and muscular strains.


  1. Use comfortable shoes.
  2. Avoid disturbing high heels.
  3. Avoid too tight clothes, pants, and jeans.
  4. Sleeping postures must be good.
  5. Sitting posture must always be good.
  6. Nutrition must be good and also avoid alcohol and smoking.


                Immediate treatment and care must be very necessary for the cure of sciatica. Otherwise, there are chances of permanent nerve damage and lower limb impairments. In an extreme case, untreated sciatica results in permanent paralysis.

  1. Cold therapy for the first 48 – 72 hours.
  2. Later on, use heating pads along with the areas of sciatic pain.  
  3. Practice stretching exercises.
  4. Use painkillers to relieve pain.
  5. Walking is very effective to relax the muscle and nervous tissue.
  6. Massage by physiotherapists
  7. If sciatica is due to disturbance in the lumbar spine, then lay on your back having a pillow in the lumbar spine for 5-7 minutes. Try this exercise 2-3 times a day.
  8. If you have sciatic pain in one leg, then massage olive oil on your other legs on the sciatic nerve tenderly. This will stimulate the sciatic nerve on the other side and this relieves sciatic pain.

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