Selection of Pets-Cats-Dogs-Birds

Selection Of Pets at Pet Shops:

Having pets at home is the best hobby among various families. Most elders want a friendly animal for their kids, to play and live with them. Selection of a pet animal is very easy but it is very difficult to buy a pet.  Here we are discussing some important guidelines to buy pet parrots, finches, cats, dogs, and other kinds of mammals.

  • Physical observation:

When you observe an animal, mostly a healthy animal is in a very active state. A disease-infected pet may not be in good mood. So healthy always be in a good mood, which is the first sign of a healthy animal. Pet cats having a good mood always wander in their place in enjoyable moods.

  • Observe walking & running:

Most animals have injured legs during the shipment. These injuries may be sometime very serious, i.e., fractures. So, an injured cannot walk smoothly. Any kind of lameness is a symptom of injury.

  • Eyes

The animals at the pet shop mostly have normal vision. Sometime pets may be blind in one eye. So, you must have to check the vision of the pet necessarily. The blind pet does not show a response to the movement. So, when you move your hand towards a blind eye animal doesn’t understand your hand movement, and the pet is blind on that side of the eye.

Parrot-A good pet for your child
Parrot-A good pet for your child
  • Horns:

Some kids like to have an ungulate as a pet, like a sheep, or goat. They have beautiful horns. These animals sometimes have broken horns. So, we must check the horns by touching them physically and also check the roots of the horns.

  • Feet:

Feet are the parts of any living organism that contact the soil. Also, feet have nails and claws. Due to these reasons, feet may be injured and have wounds. So, we have to examine our feet physically.  Feet also have a good tool for the examination of signs of different kinds of illness.

  • Ears:

The ears of the pets are also a part of the body that is susceptible to various kinds of infections. So, it must be clearly checked for signs of injuries, ticks, mites, and any sign of wounds.

  • Skin:

Skin is the largest organ of animals and a part that is continuously in touch with the environment. Skin also has a barrier between the body of animals and external environments. So, you must have to check the skin that any kind of infestations of ticks, mites, and wounds or injuries, especially on the legs, between the legs, and back legs.

  • Eating behavior:

A healthy animal is always fed in a good mood. If the animal is ill or has any kind of stress, that animal will not eat its food normally but stood aside from its cage or place. In the case of ungulate, the healthy animals regurgitate their cud, but infected or unhealthy animals stand silently.  

Feline and Canine Pets
Feline and Canine Pets
  • Lethargy:

Normal and healthy animals don’t have any sign of lethargy, and are always in good mood, walking well and actively observing their surroundings. But a diseased pet always stands silently, closes its eyes, places its head over the back, and lay down. In the case of birds, if the birds are not healthy, they hide their head in their wings. They are very sluggish and don’t sing songs.

  • Nervous signs:

Nervous signs are very rare but these also exist. The animal merchants try to avoid such kinds of pets to display because they are very aggressive, constantly try to create a problem and smash their heads with cage sides, interfere with the other animals. Sometimes animal merchants use different kinds of drugs to calm them, so during buying pets try to check their nervous signs. These animals are not good for your kids, because they create a mess at home. Such cats and dogs are very dangerous for your kids, they bite and injured your kids with nails & claws. So, avoid that kind of pet.

These are the ten major suggestions to buy pet cats, dogs, birds, and ungulates. If you have some kind of experience during buying your pet please share it with us, so that other people will be benefited from your experiences.  

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