Sore throat & treatments for throat infection

Sore throat & treatments for throat infection

What is a throat infection?

Throat infection is a severe disease of the throat commonly called a sore throat. It may be due to some infectious agents or some non-infectious reasons. Most cases of sore throat symptoms result from many bacterial and viral infections.

What are the different causes of throat infections?

Infectious agents responsible for sore throat:

The most common types of infections are bacterial and viral infections of the throat.

  1. Viral infections: The most common cause of viral infections that causes sore throat are Adenoviruses, enteroviruses, coronaviruses, influenza, paramyxoviruses, and rhinoviruses.
  2. Bacterial infections: The most common cause of bacterial infections that causes sore throat are Streptococcal pharyngitis and Corynebacterium diphtheria.  

Non-infectious agents responsible for sore throat:

  1. Allergies: Allergens exposure to nasal cavities and sinuses, these sinuses drain down into the throat.  This irritation causes a sore throat.
  2. Smoking: Smoke irritates the soft and sensitive tissue of the throat resulting in a sore throat.
  3. Pollution: Breathing in a highly polluted atmosphere like smog also causes itching and pain in the throat.
  4. Dry air: When dry air continuously passes through the respiratory passage it results in micro-injuries that result in sore throat.

Types of sore throat:

  1. Pharyngitis: The pain and inflammation of the pharyngeal region of the respiratory tract are called pharyngitis.
  2. Tonsilitis: The pain and inflammation of the tonsils are called tonsilitis.  
  3. Laryngitis: The pain and inflammation of the larynx are called laryngitis.

Symptoms of throat infection:

  1. Mostly sore throat associated with flue-like symptoms
  2. Scratchy pain in the throat
  3. Discomfort in talking
  4. Redness in the epithelial layer of the throat
  5. Sometimes redness is mixed with the pus
  6. Swelling in the pharyngeal regions.
  7. Severe cutting pain during swallowing
  8. The symptoms worsen with time.
  9. A hoarse and heavy voice
  10. Little hyperthermia
  11. Fatigue
  12. Sometimes headaches as well as painful body

Herbal Remedies:

Home first aid for throat infection:

  1. Gargling with salt water.
  2. Sip herbal teas.

Ayurvedic Herbal remedies for throat infection:

Following ayurvedic herbal remedies for throat infections show 100 percent results. These treatments work against almost all kinds of throat infections.

1. Ginger tea: How we can make ginger tea?

  • Wash a small piece of ginger
  • Peel it and cut it into pieces of one-inches
  • Take a one-inch piece of ginger and place it in a saucepan  
  • Add 1 and a half cups of water and boil it until one cup remained
  • Add one teaspoon of honey and drink it sip by sip
  • Take it at least thrice a day

2. Honey and black pepper powder: How can we use honey along with black pepper?

  • Take three pieces of black paper and crush it
  • Take one tablespoon of honey
  • Add crushed black pepper to the honey and mix it well
  • Use it thrice a day

3- Black pepper, and ginger powder in honey

  • Take 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder and 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder.
  • Mix these two components in one teaspoon of honey and eat.
  • Use this practice two times a day.

Antibiotic Treatment for Throat Infection:

The most effective antibiotics previously used for throat infections were penicillin, amoxicillin, and its derivatives. Now doctors use many advanced groups of antibiotics. These antibiotics must be used for bacterial infections and must be used by prescription doctors.

Self-care tips for throat infections:

Preventive measure:

  • Use hand sanitizers before eating
  • Your drinks and food must be hygienic
  • Use regular green teas in the evening
  • Don’t move to pollutants air
  • Avoid allergens
  • Drink more fluids

For a comprehensive study of Pharyngitis (Sore Throat) Click here

Pharyngitis (sore throat), its, causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention

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