Health benefits, nutritional values and interesting facts about eggs

The Wonderful Nutritional Giants: Health benefits, nutritional values, and interesting facts about eggs

What is an Egg?

An oval or round-shaped entity specifically laid by the female members of the living organisms, such as plants, fungi, algae, or animals, i.e., invertebrates, vertebrates. We are familiar with the eggs of birds and reptiles because of their large sizes and protected shells, while other types of eggs are studied under the study and discussion of living sciences.

Biologically egg is named an ovum and it is a reproductive cell.

Edible eggs:

Human beings eat mostly bird eggs. The most familiar species having edible eggs are chicken, ducks, turkeys, Galliformes (pheasants, quails, etc.) emus, ostrich, and many other related birds. Some people living in oriental cultures consume reptilian eggs but mostly humans avoid eating because of the health risks. The people inhabiting the coastlines eat turtle’s eggs, but these eggs were more difficult to get.

Egg and Nutritional Values:

A chicken egg contains about 6.3 grams of proteins and 4.55 grams of fat. An egg of about 50 g mass provides you 70-75 calories of energy. Most of the energy comes from egg yolk.  An average egg white contains about 3.6 grams of proteins and 0.05 of fat (low fat) while a yolk contains 2.7 grams of proteins and 4.5 grams of fat including 0.21 cholesterol (high fat). Some carbohydrates are also present which contributes only 0.6 grams. One the interesting thing about the egg, it contains every vitamin in variable proportion except vitamin C, i.e., vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, folate, biotin, and pantothenic acid. Microminerals that are present in the egg are calcium, chloride, copper, iodine, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, sodium, sulfur, and zinc.   

Lutein and zeaxanthin:

These important carotenoids of our eyes are also present in eggs. Lutein performs a role in the eye by filtering light and zeaxanthin has antioxidant properties.

The highest price egg:

Once there was a bird named elephant bird, Vorombe titan (zoological name) lived in Madagascar. The elephant bird was the largest bird ever found.  That bird was estimated to be extinct in the 13th – 17th century by anthropogenic activities. The egg of an elephant bird is the highest price egg.  The egg is placed for the display at Delaware natural history, US. The size of the egg is about 30 cm long and 24 cm in diameter while the estimated size of the bird is about 3 meters tall and more than 450 kg in weight.

The largest egg at present:

The largest egg at present is an ostrich egg having a size about 15 cm long and 12.5 cm in diameter. The weight of the ostrich egg is about 1.36 kg (3 pounds).

Who should avoid egg-containing foods:

Because of high lipid contents eating food containing egg recipes are a risk for obese people. They should try to reduce the use of the egg. And if they use eggs in food, they must remove the egg yolk and only eat egg white.   

Test to check the difference between spoiled and fresh eggs.

Take water in a bowl and place water inside it. If the egg drowns in water, it is fresh, and if the egg float on the surface, it is spoiled.  

Interesting Facts:

  1. It is the animal food eat directly after cooking without the aid of sugar, salt, or spices.
  2. Egg is a good source for essential vitamin contents for humans.
  3. Eggs the best supplement for the growing children.
  4. A hen named as Harriet laid worlds largest egg in 2010 in UK having size 23 cm in diameter and 0.36 pounds.
  5. Eggs contains no hormone.

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