
Tonsillitis, its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments


Tonsillitis is a medical condition in which tonsils become inflamed and swell up resulting in uncomfortable painful sensations. It is very severe in winter so here we are discussing its causes, symptoms, and treatment in order to aware persons by providing valuable information on how to recognize it and its potential treatment methods.

Etymology: Tonsilitis is a combination of two words, i.e., tonsils (two lymph nodes in the throat) and it is (inflammation).

What is tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is the pain and inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils are two oval-shaped lymph nodes (masses of lymphatic systems). These are located at the back of your throat. These tonsils are part of our body’s immune system and defend our bodies in case of pathogens invasions such as viral and bacterial infections. When tonsils become infected and inflamed, they become a swollen and painful condition called tonsilitis.

Infections Risks:

Tonsilitis most commonly occurs in school-going children but adults are also suitable for it. It is very rare in infants and persons above 50 years of age. It is worst in immunodeficient persons.

Causes of Tonsillitis:

Tonsillitis most commonly occurs due to infections. The following are the major causes of tonsillitis:

  1. Viruses: The common viruses that cause tonsilitis are rhinovirus (common cold virus) and Epstein-Barr virus (that causes mononucleosis). Other viruses responsible for tonsilitis are influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, herpes simplex virus, and cytomegalovirus.
  2. Streptococcus Bacteria: Streptococcus pyogenes is the most common bacterial infection of tonsils. This infection is called hemolytic streptococcus.

Other bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenza can also cause tonsilitis. Other bacteria that are culprits of tonsil infections are Streptococcus pneumonia, Mycoplasma pneumonia, Bordetella pertussis, and Corynebacterium diphtheria.

Symptoms of tonsillitis:

  1. Red and Swollen tonsils
  2. White or yellow patches on tonsils
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
  4. Hyperemia of pillars, soft palate, and uvula
  5. Coated tongue
  6. Fever
  7. Sore throat
  8. Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)
  9. Bad breath
  10. Chills
  11. Earaches
  12. Headaches
  13. Malaise
  14. General body aches

Complications of Tonsillitis:

  1. Acute otitis media (Middle ear infections)
  2. Chronic tonsilitis
  3. Endocarditis
  4. Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  5. Parapharyngeal abscess
  6. Peritonsillar abscess
  7. Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
  8. Rheumatic fever
  9. Scarlet fever
  10. Secondary infections such as sinusitis or bronchitis
  11. Tonsillar Cellulitis
  12. Tonsilloliths

Diagnosis of Tonsillitis:

  1. Medical history
  2. Physical Examination
  3. Throat culture
  4. Rapid Strep Test
  5. Blood Tests
  6. Differential Diagnosis:
    a. Agranulocytosis
    b. Aphthous ulcer
    c. Diphtheria
    d. Infectious mononucleosis
    e. Malignancy tonsils
    f. Vincent angina

Types of Tonsillitis:

TypesAcute TonsillitisChronic TonsillitisRecurrent Tonsillitis
OnsetSuddenPersistent  Episodic
DurationShort period Less than two weeksExtended periods, months, or even yearsVariables
SymptomsSore throat, fever, dysphagia, swollen tonsils, white or yellow spots on tonsilsSore throat, bad breath, persistent discomfort, dysphagiaSimilar to acute tonsillitis, Sore throat, fever, dysphagia
CausesBacterial infection Streptococcus sp.  An antibiotic for acute flare-ups, TonsillectomyRepeated acute infections, Weakened immunity
TreatmentAntibiotics, symptomatic treatment, restAntibiotics for acute flare-ups, TonsillectomyAntibiotics, symptomatic treatment, tonsillectomy

Classification of Tonsillitis:

TypesCatarrhal TonsilitisFollicular TonsillitisParenchymatous TonsillitisMembranous Tonsillitis
AppearanceDiffuse redness, swelling (edema)Small, yellowish-white spots or follicle on tonsils. Pus filled Follicle & surrounded by inflamed tissueEnlarged tonsils due to Inflammation & swelling of tonsillar tissue itself (peritonsillar abscess)Formation of thick, grey-white membrane or pseudomembrane covering tonsils.  
SymptomsSore throat, Dysphagia, General discomfortSevere symptoms, Sore throat, high fever, DysphagiaSore throat, Dysphagia, A sensation that anything stuck in the neckSevere throat pain, Dysphagia & high fever
Exudate (Discharge)Mucus like dischargePus bodiesCreamy or cheesy dischargeSubstantial that form membrane
CauseViral infections like adenovirusBacterial infections StreptococcusBacterial infectionsCorynebacterium diphtheriae

Treatment of Tonsillitis:

The treatment of tonsillitis depends on its specific causes;

General treatments:

  1. Bed rest
  2. Hydration
  3. Analgesics/NSAIDs
  4. Antipyretic/Paracetamol
  5. Antibiotics

Specific treatments:

  1. Rest and Hydration and Symptomatic Treatments in Viral Infections
  2. Use of Antibiotics in case of bacterial infections
    a. Penicillin, amoxicillin, co-aminoxlave
    b. Macrolide/Erythromycin (in case of penicillin-allergic persons)
  3. Tonsillectomy in case of severe complication. Tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of tonsils.

Surgical Indications for Tonsillectomy:

Tonsillectomy is a surgical removal of tonsils and is considered in case of serious infection.  Surgical indications are included;

  1. Chronic tonsilitis
  2. Diphtheria
  3. Hypertrophy of tonsils/causes obstruction in tonsils
  4. Peritonsillar abscess
  5. Recurrent infection
  6. Recurrent streptococcal tonsillitis in patients with valvular heart disease.
  7. Suspicion malignancy
  8. Tonsillitis causing febrile seizures

Tonsillitis Vs Pharyngitis:

Tonsillitis and pharyngitis both are involved in the pain and inflammation of the throat but they are not the same. They are very different although used interchangeably. The main differences are;

Site of inflammationTonsils: Two masses of lymphatic systems at the back of the throat on each side.Pharynx (Throat): This area lies behind the mouth and nasal cavity and descends down to the top of the esophagus.
CausesViral and bacterial infections  Viruses, bacteria, irritants, & allergens
Similar SymptomsSore throat, sometimes fever, dysphagiaSore throat, fever, & dysphagia
Specific symptomsThe main symptom is the Inflammation of the tonsils, which are red and covered with white, and yellow spots. headache and abdominal pain. Swollen lymph nodes    Painful, scratchy, and dry throat, May be associated with cold, and cough.
Tonsillitis Vs Pharyngitis:

For a detailed understanding about the Pharyngitis click here


Tonsillitis is a very common medical condition of tonsils that results in pain, discomfort, and plenty of ailments. It results principally from viral and bacterial infections. Pain, inflammation, sore throat, and dysphagia are common primary symptoms. If effective protocols are not followed timely that results in serious issues. Early diagnosis and treatment plans are very helpful to avoid tonsillectomy.

By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment of tonsillitis, you can easily take steps to alleviate pain, and discomfort and faster recovery.

Stay Blessed

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