Virtual mentoring-A new way of learning in the Modern Era

Virtual mentoring: A new way of learning in the Modern Era

What is a virtual mentor?

A teacher, trainer, coach, or guide that trains their mentee by an internet-based medium is called a virtual mentor.

What is virtual mentoring?

Virtual mentoring is a technique of educating mentees on internet-based platforms such as WhatsApp, E-mails, google meet, or any other social media.

Virtual mentoring as a demand of the current era:

The distance learning system opens new horizons for student learning on large scale in the recent era. It grows exponentially during the covid-19 pandemic because a formal system of education was totally disturbed. The new software was developed for better distance learning. The demands for laptops and smartphones were at the highest peak because everyone switched to online platforms to compensate for educational loss during covid-19. Virtual mentoring is a kind of job that is not dependent on the physical proximity of two parties. This is a beautiful change in learning management. After the pandemic, the spread of virtual mentoring did not reduce but most students all over the world enjoyed online mentorship for learning their formal courses as well as advanced skills.

Our platform:

We have started this platform for virtual mentoring and this performs remarkable progress. At the start, I offered to all over the country to join us but they did not work according to our provided plan. But we didn’t disappoint and continued our work slowly and this routine adding more and more people in this effort. Our work is very scientific and after practical work, our system is based on the following mechanism. 

Mechanism of virtual mentoring phenomena:

  1. Be prepared and make a plan: Before the start of your virtual mentoring program, you must have a workable plan and also you must have preparations according to your plan.
  2. Balance authenticity and boundaries: You must have to determine certain limits that will not challenge your authenticity. 
  3. Clarification of mechanisms and rules: You must have to clarify all the rules and mechanisms with your mentee.
  4. Lectures must be energetic and standard: If you want the retention of your mentee, the lectures should be energetic and up to the mark.
  5. Provision of material: You should provide all the material to your mentee in the form of presentation and pdf data.
  6. Ask for feedback: For a strong working relationship, every mentor should continuously ask for feedback and query about the problems.
  7. Make a progress graph for every mentee: For the proper assessment, every virtual mentor should make a progress graph of every mentee and analytically check the variations and progress.

Advantages of Virtual mentoring:

  1. Not demanded large classrooms and infrastructure.
  2. Everyone all over the world can be a mentee by a world-class professional.
  3. One of the most essential advantages of virtual mentoring is rapid growth. A large number of students develop their skills rapidly.


  1. Totally new type of learning and sometimes very unfit for those who depend on the old-fashioned formal educational system.
  2. For virtual mentoring everyone should have a little how now about the latest and advanced technology.

1 thought on “Virtual mentoring: A new way of learning in the Modern Era”

  1. Pingback: 10 Best Qualities for virtual mentoring - Virtual Mentor

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