What are the habits of successful people? Lessons of the 2020s and a roadmap to a successful life in 2021

Happy new year 2021 to all.

This week is the first week of the new year and this will prove a life making or life breaking week. In the past humans live an arbitrary life, most people live without plans except a few. And in the previous times, accidental success stories can also be present. But at present, there is a saturation of planned and well-disciplined people. So, without any plan, you can’t be able to live a successful life and write a success story of your carrier in the future. Dear fellows, today I will discuss my experiences that ensure you, your successful life in 2021. We have to keep in mind certain things that will be very helpful in making plans for 2021 but first of all, we will discuss a little about our leap year 2020.

Devastations of the year 2020

Devastation of life in 2020 & Living a successful life in 2021
Devastation of life in 2020 during Black summer of Australia

Start of the year 2020:

The year 2020 has a resemblance with the T-20 Cricket format and various astrologists predict it as a wonderful year but this year was started with Australian fire “Black summer” in January. This fire ruined about 24 million hectares, burned millions of homes, killed billions of animals along with human causalities. That was a very cruel opening for 2020, and it was an alarm that the whole of 2020 would not be a peaceful year, which later on proves by the outbreak of corona epidemics.

Year of Cries and Crises:

We remembered this year 2020 as the year of cries and crises.  The socioeconomic status of the inhabitants all over the globe totally changed. The world passed the whole year in lockdown in depression, having the fear of Corona, face economic deterioration, missing their social contacts, and living a captive life. And this has not been ended till December has passed and January of 2021 opens eyes.

Status of developing Countries:

The developing countries like our beloved Pakistan faced a lot of issues, fighting with economic disturbance, managing the health of our peoples, facing corona infected cases. Our religious events’., Both Eids were passed very simply.  We are very social peoples and have a lot of fun events in the communities. All these events were suffered from this corona pandemic, and specifically, the marriages affected very badly due to this pandemic.

Educational crises:

Our education was totally disturbed during the year 2020. All the educational institutions have been closed from 15 April to 15 September. And after a little opening educational institutions were closed at the end of the year 2020 again. Most exams were postponed even MDCAT commencement was very miserable.

Economic Crises: 

 I know a lot about certain families that are severely hit by the year 2020 because either they lost their businesses or lost their loved ones. One of them my class fellow Mohsin Mughal has died of corona infection in the wave of Corona during June-July 2020 while fighting with the corona in hospitals. My Cousin`s garments factory destroyed due to closure during the corona pandemic and this made a stressful situation for all of our family during a pandemic. The economy of families disturbed to such an extent that they have to take loans to purchase their household goods. The whole year passed so sad and in lockdown. Corona pandemic is the main crisis that hit severely to humanity.

Other crises:

Besides this, we have been faced with infrastructural crises. The hospitals were not sufficient to hold seriously affected patients. Even than machinery like oxygen cylinders, masks, regular use medicines, all these items were also in short supplies. Due to lockdown, everyone was seriously affected. In short, this pandemic 100 percent changed the scenario of the planet.

What we have learn from 2020
What should we learn from the year 2020.

What we should learn from 2020.

One of the most important attributes of humans is that humans learn most fastly compared with other living organisms. Despite its challenges, At last, the year 2020 has been passed and an indelible impression was permanently left in our minds. In the year 2021, the planet earth now holds survivors of the devastations of 2020. Humanity has been learned lots of lessons from all these challenging and stressful periods. These conditions change the whole scenario of planet earth. Globe rapidly adapting to cope with the new demands of the time and 2021 is a period of new revolutions. After reaching up the climax humanity learned that all the achievements are meaningless and we are in the hand of nature. Our belief in Almighty Allah becomes more strengthened and we are more nearer to Allah Almighty in 2021. After face calamities and epidemics in 2020, we learned these three most important lessons from 2020 for a successful life.

wise use of resources:

The inhabitants of the earth learn to live and survive with the shortage of goods and handle their problems by living well managed and well-planned ways. They use their resources very wisely and control wastes of money and things during 2020.

Collective approach dominated the individual approach:

At the start of the epidemic not in developing countries, developed countries have a set of minds to store their household things more than their needs. But with the passage of time, they learned that they should help one another and their individual approach masked by their collective approach and helping behavior.

Find new ways to earn:

Those people that found the new resource during 2020 and divert their business approach during a pandemic. They lived an easy life also support a lot of families that run short their money to buy their household goods.  But we must remember one thing here that some traders took undue advantage of the compulsions of the people and they forgot about death and they could earn money but not prayers of needy people.

How we can easily adapt new demand of era of 2021:

First of all, don’t wait that the things going settled by themselves, but go ahead and settle your works by your actions. We don’t forget the above two lessons to make our life successful. The world letting down individual approach and follow a collective approach. We should go ahead and work for the whole community and stop thinking just for ourselves. If only 50% of people have a collective approach the world`s deterioration rates drop and rise exponentially. After analyzing the habits of successful peoples in 2020, I am explaining here suggesting you follow a plan to live a successful life in 2021.

10 habits of successful people that help to live a successful life
10 habits of successful people that help to live a successful life

10 habits of successful people that help to live a successful life

  • Create a new personality and good characters within yourself.

If you don’t change yourself at all, it doesn’t matter if the year changes.  You have to improve your personality and you have to strengthen your character and say goodbye to laziness and sloth. This is the first thing in planning your life in the present year.

  • Determine your goals in 2021.

Work on yourself and make your plans for the year 2020. These plans must not be rigid but flexible enough to be changed. Because after your practice if you have to improve your goals, this plan welcomes your amendments.   

  • Set on your journey:

Once you have been planned for your whole year; you must be practical enough so that you follow your dreams. You must have to fulfill all the requirements for your plan and work hard to complete your goals.  

  • Share your achievements with your loved ones:

After any kind of achievement share your success with your loved ones. This will be very enjoyable practice for you and this keeps to move forward.

  • Don’t lose your momentum:

Remember one thing, don’t lose your momentum throughout the year. Your smaller success units will give you a large aptitude for success. Continuously follow your dreams.

  • Live a calculated life:

The best way to avoid problems live a calculated life. Be honest and modest in your attitude but didn’t allow anyone to cheat you.

  • Be assertive:

Assertiveness is the ability to make you handle uneasiness and challenging conditions. An assertive person is always open to challenges. They have the ability to swim through the oceans of difficulty.

  • Be calm and have smile on your face:

Be clam like night but have smile on the face like the day. This will make you to be a good friend and make your friends to be good with you.

  • Create a work atmosphere:

It is a very necessary thing that you have a proper setup, where you can comfortably work. The working place is so cool and good that makes a pleasant relief for you.   

Don’t waste your time; Try to regain momentum that you have lost during pandemic.

  • Gain lesson from your mistakes:

That is most important thing. Learn from your mistakes and not repeat them again and again.

Dear friends, at the end I am hoping you will keep in mind that we have to make our plan, focus on our goals and keeps on our momentum live a successful life in 2021 and also we have to follow collective approach strategy instead of following individual approach.

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