Why cyber security is important

Why cyber security is important?

What is cyber security and why cyber security is important? I think this is the worst issue faced by people living in the modern era. This is our today’s debate. We have plenty of valuables, such as houses, cars, bicycles, official documents, cash, and non-cash properties. To protect our property from stolon, we use locks. This thing is named and security. Cyber security means protecting your profile, your online banking accounts, and your official documents saved on your devices from any kind of malware, viruses, and cyber-attacks. Today we will discuss all the practices that secure your online data from any kind of attack and why cyber security is important.

What is cyber security?
It is a term collectively used to secure electronic devices, such as mobiles, laptops, computers, tablets, servers, and all your online data from malware attacks through the internet. Actually, it is a type of security that protect internet-running hardware, software, and data from malicious attacks.

Types of cyber security:

before we know, why cyber security is important, we must know various types of cyber security;

  1. Hardware security:
    Hardware security is the protection of devices from open access. Protect your devices with passwords. Your saved passwords are also vulnerable to malicious attacks.
  2. Application security:
    By application, security means that we should know about various kinds of access that different apps demanded during or before use. Read the complete manual before giving access and accepting terms and conditions. Only use apps verified by android play project policies. This security is challenged when you don’t use apps verified by google.
  3. Cloud security:
    Cloud computing is a new revolution in businesses. The most powerful business now moved to cloud computing and utilizes cloud-based tools and services. Cloud storages are more vulnerable to unauthorized access, account hijacking, and malicious cyber-attacks.
  4. Internet security:
    It is a central aspect of cyber security which includes all security issues related to webs and networks. Sometimes when anybody is connected to the internet certain links appear on screens and clicking on them, malicious agents or viruses get access to your storage.

importance of safe use of internet and electronic devices:
Cyber security makes safe your data from theft.
2. Cyber security makes it possible to protect your sensitive information from attacks, such as banking and business information.
3. Cyber security prevents you from blackmailing criminals.
4. Cyber security saves your business information from offenders.
5. Cyber security is important because it prevents your intellectual data from being stolen.
6. Cyber security makes possible your family’s well beings.

Suggestions for the safe use of the internet:

  1. Secure your hardware: Protect your electronic devices with strong passwords and always try to keep these passwords private.
  2. Public devices: Remember to log out after using public devices, such as computers in public libraries, internet cafes, or laptop devices of your friend.
  3. Secure websites: Try to avoid those websites which have issues with security certificates.
  4. Authorized Apps: Don’t use an app that is not verified by the google play project.
  5. Don’t publicize your personal information: It means don’t show your contact number, your home address, or any other info like that.
  6. Stay away from the unknown: Make sure that your family, especially children shouldn’t reply to an unknown person when he will approach them on their devices.
  7. Online friendships: Don’t make a friendship online and also don’t trust the online friendship. This is because mostly scammers haunt simple and easy people online for blackmailing.
  8. Online call for interview: Doesn’t visit any new place having online information for a job interview or stuff like that.
  9. Inform your parents; Don’t hesitate to tell your parents if anyone disturbs, irritates, or blackmails you online.
  10. Avoid replying to the unknown: Don’t reply to an unknown person on Facebook, Instagram, messenger, or any other social apps. Especially educate your children that they shouldn’t contact any unknown call or text. Also, don’t accept friend requests from unknown people or any person who has a fake profile.
  11. Data Backups: Always back up your data. In case of any malware attack, you have your data in your hand.
  12. Update your software: Try to use trusted body software and regular updates for protection against cyber-attacks.

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