Zoology 7 Day PPSC Planner Quiz 1.1

  1. Which Larvae of the acanthocephalans developed in the intermediate hosts?
    a. Acanthella
    b. Acanthor
    c. Cystacanth
    d. None
  2. Which one of the following stages is the first larval stage of the acanthocephalans and have rostellum?
    a. Acanthella
    b. Acanthor
    c. Cystacanth
    d. None
  3. The adjustment of the vertebrate eye for making a clear image is called as
    a. Fixation
    b. Fovea focusing
    c. Accommodation
    d. Camera action
  4. The acetabulum sucker is present at the __ of the fluke.
    a. Anterior
    b. Posterior
    c. Ventral
    d. Caudal
  5. Which one is correct in the case of acrosome on the head of the sperm?
    a. Rigid cap
    b. Enzyme filled cap
    c. Ciliary structured. Flagellar structure
  6. Trichinella & Trichuris are present in the class of nematodes?
    a. Adenophorea
    b. Aphasmidia
    c. Both
    d. None
  7. Agnatha is a _ group of vertebrates.
    a. Monophyletic
    b. Paraphyletic
    c. Polyphyletic
    d. Not related to above
  8. Agnatha have all characteristics except one ____?
    a. Lack jaws
    b. Have paired appendages
    c. Have a persistent notochord
    d. Lampreys & Hagfishes
  9. An animal whose hatchlings are not active at birth and require parental care is called _.
    a. Altricial
    b. Precocial
    c. Altruistic
    d. Assertive
  10. This is a group of feathers on the bird’s wings, supported by medial digit`s bones is called _.
    a. Fercula
    b. Allula
    c. Contours
    d. Filoplume
  11. An electroreceptive organ called ampullary organ is present in __.
    a. Most fishes
    b. Some amphibians
    c. Platypus
    d. Present in all above
  12. Which one is not present in the aplacophoran molluscs.
    a. Shell
    b. Mantle
    c. Foot
    d. None
  13. A jaw-like structure made from series of ossicles name as Aristotle lantern is the characteristics of;
    a. Echinoid
    b. Ophiuroids
    c. Holothuroids
    d. All
  14. Which one group is not an aschelminth?
    a. Acanthocephala
    b. Kinorhyncha
    c. Pterobranchia
    d. Rotifera
  15. Which one is the uniocular hydatid cyst of the fluke (Tapeworm)?
    a. Muller Larvae
    b. Trchophores
    c. Glochidia
    d. Bladder worm
  16. Which one is not correct for Brachiopoda?
    a. Bivalved shells
    b. Calcareous of chitinous shells
    c. Fresh water in its habitat
    d. All true
  17. Lampshells have valves at their __ surface.
    a. Dorsal
    b. Ventral
    c. Both
    d. None
  18. Which one is a skin receptor for touch and pressure stimulus?
    a. Bulbous corpuscles
    b. Bulb of Krause
    c. Meisner`s Corpuscles
    d. Both a & b
  19. Which one is incorrect in the case bursa of Fabricius?
    a. A lymphoid organ
    b. Present in birds
    c. Like thymus
    d. Involve in the maturation of T lymphocytes
  20. Bursa of Fabricius develops as an outpouching of the __.
    a. Foregut
    b. Urinary bladder
    c. Gizzards
    d. None
  21. Chloragogen tissue covers the gut and blood vessels of the
    a. Nematodes
    b. Rotifer
    c. Acanthocephalans
    d. Annelids
  22. Chloragogen tissue synthesizes?
    a. Glycogen
    b. Fat
    c. Urea
    d. All
  23. Which one is not correct in the case of Polychaeta respiratory pigment?
    a. Iron-containing
    b. Dissolved in blood plasma
    c. Chlorocruorin
    d. Hemocyanin
  24. A region of the plasma membrane of paramecium having a purpose for exocytosis is called as?
    a. Cytopyge
    b. Cytoproct
    c. Both
    d. None
  25. An introvert is present in
    a. Sipunculid
    b. Loriciferan
    c. Bryozoan
    d. All

Note: One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get some some benefit, you have to solve the Quiz first and then you have to look at the key given below.

Answer Keys for the Zoology 7 Day PPSC Planner Quiz 1.1

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